Hitched (Promise Harbor Wedding) - By Erin Nicholas Page 0,34


She felt him move in next to her. He didn’t touch her, but the wooden railing around the deck moved slightly when he leaned against it, and the air got warmer on that side of her.

Allie breathed again, keeping her eyes shut. She needed to steer the conversation or he would try. He couldn’t make her talk about any topic she didn’t want to, but even his questions brought surges of emotions. Emotions she didn’t want.

“Do you remember the time you made up naughty versions of fairy tales for me?”

Somehow she could tell he was smiling when he said, “Of course.”

“I especially liked the Cinderella story where she and Prince Charming got it on in the broom closet before midnight.”

She felt him turn toward her. “And, of course, how Hansel propositioned the witch to get him and Gretel out of trouble,” she said.

Gavin lifted his hand to her head, stroking her hair.

Allie kept her eyes shut, breathing deep of his scent, which was even more energizing than the fresh, natural air. “And who could forget what the frog really needed from the princess to turn human?”

“I know what you’re doing.”

His voice was husky but she could tell he was watching her. “Reminiscing?”


Finally she opened her eyes. “Am I?”

“Yes.” His eyes were hot as they stared into hers. “But it won’t work.”

It was clear that the memory of that night, when he’d told her his versions of the favorite stories, was as strong in his mind as it was hers.

“What if I tell you that I’ve come up with a few stories of my own?” she asked.

“It won’t matter.”

“You don’t think I can distract you with a story about Snow White and the seven dwarfs?”

“You’re going to turn a beloved childhood story into a gang bang?”

She smiled. “Well, I hardly think any dwarfs would be grumpy or sleepy if that was going on. You have a dirty mind.”

“Yes, I do. More so when you’re around.”

“One of your most endearing traits, in my opinion.”

His eyes narrowed slightly. “I know.”

“Let’s go upstairs,” she said, moving in close. “Where I can really take advantage of that.”

“Love to. Just tell me how your dad and brothers are doing.”

Dammit. She felt her smile waver. “I don’t want to talk.”

“I want to know how you are, what’s going on in your life, Allie.”

“I’m fine,” she said, making herself meet his gaze.


“How could I not be? Especially now. I’m on vacation in this beautiful place, with the sexiest man I’ve ever met, nothing to do or worry about.”

Gavin frowned. “This isn’t a vacation.”

“Well, it’s not my real life, that’s for sure. But,” she said when he started to reply, “isn’t that the point? You’re the one who stole me away from my real life. You don’t want me living my real life, right?”

He sighed. “That’s not exactly it.”

“My real life includes my father and my brothers—a lot of them, all the time. And committee meetings and my phone always ringing and someone always needing me. And…” she took a deep breath, “…Josh.”

Gavin’s jaw tightened. “Then no, I don’t want you living your real life.”

“So, help me forget about it. Give me something else to feel and think about and care about.”

The tightness left his face and he lifted his hand to her cheek again. “You already feel for me and think about me and care about me.”

He was right. There was no way she could convincingly deny it. “No, none of that was ever the problem,” she said quietly. “Caring about you was easy.”

“Easy, huh?”


Something flickered in his eyes. “That’s what finally cost me, isn’t it?” he asked softly.

Allie took a breath. “What do you mean?”

“I was easy. Easy to be with. Easy to care about. And I made your choice easy.”

She tried to breathe again, but the air already stuck in her lungs wouldn’t let her.

“If I’d been more high maintenance, like they are, if I’d needed you more than they did, we would have stayed together. You went home because you thought they couldn’t be without you. But that I could.”

His words hit her directly in the heart. He was right. But she was stunned he’d figured it out.

Clearly he’d been paying attention. And thinking about this a lot.

Part of his appeal in the beginning had been that he was someone she could love who didn’t need her. That had been so attractive.

But yes, that had also made it easy to leave him.

He’d survive without her. She’d known that. She’d known that he’d go off and

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