Hit or Miss, to Kill or Kiss - Romeo Alexander Page 0,15

hadn’t exactly been chatty, though he hadn’t actively tried to make Elliot leave either. But eventually, Elliot had caught sight of something sad in the man’s brown eyes as he evaded topics about his past, and smiled at Elliot’s lame attempts to be charming.

It was kind of a shame the man had to leave so quickly, Elliot would have wanted to know more about him.

“Do you think that will help?” Anthony asked, interrupting Elliot’s thoughts.

Elliot nodded. “Some will even test the security systems if you let them. Then they can tell you where the problems are and how to fix them.”

Anthony fidgeted. “That sounds...a little pricey. And while I’m sure your services are worth it, you weren’t exactly cheap.”

Elliot resisted the urge to point out that it was for a particularly good reason. Not only could Elliot provide consultation on every sort of security protocol except electronic, but he was also willing to put his life on the line for the person hiring him. Personal, direct protection, both willing to kill or be killed for someone’s sake, didn’t come cheap.

“Well, that might be the case, but it’s far better than someone finding a weak point in the system and coming in to kill you when you’re on the toilet,” Elliot told him bluntly.

“What a lovely thought. I’ll have to look into some consultants. In the meantime, I’ll call the security system company and have them do their own inspection beforehand,” Anthony said, jotting a note down on a pad of paper.

Elliot nodded. “I’ll forward a list of consultants I’ve worked with in the past. I can’t guarantee the price, but I can promise they’re very good at what they do.”

“Anything else?” Anthony asked.

“I’ll have to see your security team,” Elliot said.

Anthony stood up. “Now that I can accommodate right away.”

Elliot followed after him, knowing full well there was a chance this would be the least likable part of the job. Private security forces were a mixed bag of people, no matter where he went. There were those who did their best, but their hands were tied. They didn’t mind having someone from outside come in to help. The rest were a grab bag of people who just liked the idea of having the power to bully others, those that didn’t give a flaming shit what they were supposed to do, and those who were just there for a paycheck. Each of those last sorts was the type, who for whatever reason or another, resented someone like Elliot coming in to take over.

Crossing the room, they entered another hallway, this one bare of any decoration or life whatsoever. Anthony led him into a closed room, which required a number to be punched in before the door was opened. Elliot made a mental note to make sure he got the number if it wasn’t given to him by the end of the day. He would have preferred an updated keycard and number code system installed as well. That at least would have provided more protection than a simple combination lock or a keycard system.

He was led into a small room with a few monitors on the wall. A man sat behind the desk. The security guard was in decent shape, which was a relief to Elliot. There was nothing worse to him than finding the lives of others depending on someone who looked like they hadn’t even glanced at a treadmill in ten years.

“This is Darren Michel, the supervisor of the security team. I guess you would call him the head of it,” Anthony told him.

Darren swung himself out of his seat to stand. The top of his head came to Elliot’s chin, but the brief, insolent flash on the man’s face told Elliot just what sort of person he was going to be dealing with.

“I really think this is a waste of your money, Mr. Howell, we have things under control here,” Darren said.

Elliot held out his hand. “My job is to ensure Mr. Howell is safe while both here and out of the office.”

Darren gave him a sour look and begrudgingly took his hand. “Yeah, but here, we’ve got things covered.”

“Is it just you in here?” Elliot asked, ignoring the man’s ego.

“Me to watch the cameras.”

“And where are the rest of your team?”

“On lunch.”

Elliot’s gaze moved to the screens. “So, they’re not here.”

“No, I just said, they’re on lunch,” Darren told him.

“So while your team is on lunch, you’re left to watch the building by yourself. Have you any contingency

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