Hit List - By Laurell K. Hamilton Page 0,49

until I was almost over him, looking out into the ever thickening shadows as he knelt down. "Blood," he said.

I glanced at him, still trying to keep a peripheral sense of the trees and the growing darkness under the trees. There was more light on the road behind us, but here in the thick trees night would come early.

"You wounded them?" This from Tilford, as he came up on the other side of Edward. He had his own M4 pointed out into the trees.

I said, "Yes."

Edward said, "We follow the blood trail."

"It'll be dark soon," Tilford said.

Edward stood up. "It will."

Newman was with us now. "I've never seen anything move that fast."

"We need them dead before full dark," I said, and was already moving through the trees.

"Why?" Newman asked.

"Because the vampires will rise," Edward said.

"How do you know there will be vampires?" Newman asked.

Tilford answered, "Wereanimals don't wear masks and cloaks. They don't sneak around. They just attack. The only thing that makes them behave like this is a vampire master. Night means we get to meet their masters, and I'd rather the shifters be dead before we have the vampires to deal with."

Edward and I exchanged a quick look. We both thought better of Tilford in that moment. I said, "What he said."

We followed the blood trail in the ever-growing dark. We followed the fresh blood even though every molecule in my body was screaming for me to run. Run before dark. Run before the vampires came. Run. But I didn't run, and neither did the other marshals. We followed the trail, because that was our job. We followed the trail because if they got away and killed more people, none of us wanted to look down at the body and explain why we'd let shadows and maybe a threat of vampires scare us off. We were U.S. Marshals. We hunted and killed the monsters. We did not run from them.
Chapter Twenty
IT GOT DARK enough that Edward and Tilford turned on the flashlights that were attached to the barrels of their M4s. It was a mixed blessing. It allowed us to follow the blood trail but ruined our night vision. I finally kept my gaze away from the lights. One of us needed to be able to see what the deepening shadows might hold. Following the blood trail was important, but if the Harlequin that were bleeding found us first, there'd be more blood, and some of it would likely be ours. Was that pessimistic, or realistic? I had trouble telling sometimes.

Newman followed me ahead into the creeping gloom. "Do you see something?"

"Not yet."

"Saving your night vision from the lights?"

That made me glance at him. "Yes, how'd you know?"

"I was raised in the country. I'm okay in the dark most nights."

"Me, too," I said.

"Country girl?"

"Something like that."

"I'd have pegged you for a city girl," he said. All the time we talked we looked out into the coming dark, searching the trees for movement. He had his gun at his shoulder just like I did. I was beginning to like Newman and I didn't want to, because I'd liked Karlton and now she was in the hospital breathing with help. The shapeshifter had collapsed one of her lungs. They were waiting to see if her body would heal it without operating. If she had caught some version of lycanthropy then she'd heal as good as new, so they waited. The waiting meant they thought her blood tests were going to come back contaminated with the virus. With deep puncture wounds, lycanthropy was usually a given.

"I'm a city girl now," I said.

Edward came to us, the light pointed at the ground, and finally turned it off before he got to us. Even that much light for that small an amount of time seemed to make the thick twilight thicker.

One look at his face and I asked, "What's wrong?"

"The blood pattern has changed. One of them is carrying the other, and he's running with him. He's been running through the woods while we crawled after them; that's why we haven't heard them."

"They're gone," I said.

"Good as," he said, and there was still enough light for me to see how disgusted he was with it all.

"If we can't trail them, then Tilford is right - we need to get out of here before full dark."

"We don't have enough people to move the truck, Anita."

"We can move the tree," I said, "and we can all fit in our SUV."

He nodded. "Done."

Tilford didn't argue, and

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