Hit List - By Laurell K. Hamilton Page 0,46

the woods toward the other marshals."

"That's what I'd do," he said.

"Shit," I said.

"There are moments when I hate the fact we carry badges," he said.

"Because otherwise we could just back up and try to leave," I said.

"Something like that," he said.

I had a thought. "What if we back up like we are leaving?"

"You mean that if they think we're running, it will force them to show themselves."

"Yeah," I said.

"Good idea." I felt him turn in the seat, but he said, "I'd rather you drive and I shoot, actually."

"I would have had us in the ditch two or three times, Edward. I can shoot, but you're a better driver. The question is, are we actually driving, or is it all about shooting?"

"Are you admitting I'm a better shot?"

"From a distance, with a rifle, you are."

"Belt yourself in; this isn't about distance, and we may need to drive."

I did what he said, and was now trying to keep my attention on the entire area. Which wasn't possible, but Edward had to drive, so I'd do my best. I actually put one knee in the seat, raising myself up and trying to steady myself as I scanned the road, the woods on either side.

"Behind us, Anita, make sure they don't cut us off."

I did what he said, but I said, "We're not really leaving, right?"

"We have to make it look good," he said.

I couldn't argue with that, but I didn't want to leave our fellow police on their own in the shadow-filled woods. I did my best to keep an eye on everything as he backed up, at a speed that I wouldn't have even attempted on this road, especially going backward. I put a hand on the headrest to steady myself and the MP5, because it would be a bitch to fall and accidentally shoot Edward. I'd never tried to aim and keep watch on this much area, while the vehicle I was in was speeding backward down a narrow road. My pulse was in my throat, and a little voice screamed in my head, There's too much. I can't keep an eye on it all. I shoved the doubts away and held on, and just had to believe that if the time came I'd be able to shoot the bad guys.

I saw movement to the right, but to aim I had to come to my knees in the seat. The seatbelt was around my legs and officially useless. I prayed that Edward wouldn't have to slam on the brakes, and wrapped one arm around the headrest to help steady me and the gun. Whatever I'd seen was gone. There was nothing but trees, and the road, and a fallen tree in the middle of the road. It took me a blink to realize what I'd seen, and then I yelled, "Tree in the road!"

Edward slammed on the brakes. I clung to the seat desperately, no longer worried about shooting, just about not going through the windshield. The car skidded to a stop and we had that second of breathless silence while the blood roared in our ears, and the body feels too full of blood, as if the adrenaline makes everything feel like more.

Edward said, "That wasn't there five minutes ago."

"I know," I said. I was back to aiming the gun again, trying to find something to shoot. "We're boxed in, now what?" I asked, cheek snugged up against the MP5.

"It's an ambush," Edward said. "The best cover we have is the car, so we stay put. We make them force us out into the open."

I undid my seatbelt so it didn't tangle my legs as I sat back down. "They've used swords up to this point; let's hope they don't go all modern on our asses."

"Agreed." He got his phone out as he continued to scan the area. He answered my look. "I'm calling Tilford, because if this is a trap for you then it's a trap for all of us, and you're the only one they want alive."

I realized he was right; they wanted me alive, and that was that. "Shit, Edward."

"Yeah." He spoke into his phone, "Tilford, it's a trap. They've blocked the road that leads out."

I heard Tilford's voice a little louder this time, but still couldn't quite make out the words.

"Wrecked a truck and pulled a dead tree across the road." Edward listened and made small noises, and then he turned to me. "They've found a vampire dressed in full gear complete with mask. Newman has

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