Hit List - By Laurell K. Hamilton Page 0,41

figured out that Ethan carried some of the gold bloodline? What if while George was here waiting for me to show up for the last two months, he smelled the gold on Ethan? What if today hadn't just been about capturing me, but about killing Ethan? Was that too twisty-turny, or was it just devious enough for the Harlequin?

Edward was studying my face. "You've thought of something."

I looked into his very calm, very Edward face. But it was Ethan who said, "This isn't like the anger that was in the Prince. That didn't go away."

I nodded. I didn't say out loud that it had to be a change of heart toward me on Edward's part. Once I'd believed that if he had to he'd kill me - he might miss me, but he'd do it. Now, I realized maybe he wouldn't. Maybe he was finally emotionally attached to me in a very un-Edward-like way.

If Edward had known that Ethan was part gold tiger, I'd have just said my thinking out loud, but he didn't know. I was thinking that the fewer people who knew, the better, but if the Harlequin knew, then Ethan wasn't safe. Of course, maybe it had just been coincidence that he was the guard who was with me when Alex attacked me. I frowned and rubbed my forehead. I was giving myself a headache.

"I think I'm overthinking this."

"Overthinking what?" Ethan asked.

I looked from him to Edward. We were alone. Alex had gone with the guards to tell the queen what had happened. They'd left some guards outside the door of the room we were in, but only Ethan was in the room with us, mainly because Edward had insisted he needed to talk to Ethan.

"Okay, I'm thinking that maybe Alex attacking you wasn't just to make you kill each other so I'd be alone and easier to snatch. I think maybe George saw a way to kill two birds with one stone."

Ethan frowned at me. "I don't understand."

I told them both what I'd smelled from Ethan's skin. He gave me an incredulous look. "If I were part gold I'd have the power to command the other colors, and I so do not have that."

Edward was looking at me. "Anita is the Mistress of Tigers; if she says you smell like the golden tigers, then you do." He looked at the other man.

"I have three tiger forms, three." He actually held up three fingers. "Red, blue, and white, that's it. No gold." He folded the fingers down into a fist. "I can't be."

"All I can tell you is that you carry the strain. I've never smelled a weretiger that smelled of four different colors, so I can't tell you why you don't have three shapes to go with it, but I can tell you it's there."

"You think that George sensed it, too, and when he had a chance to kill Ethan and not get caught, he took it," Edward said.

"Maybe," I said.

"If that's true," Ethan said, "then I'm dead. They are the greatest warriors, greatest assassins and spies that ever lived. I am so dead."

He seemed oddly calm about it.

Edward and I exchanged a glance. I saw the slight frown of disapproval around his eyes, which let me know he wasn't sure it was a good idea, but that he wasn't going to say no, because he wasn't sure it was a bad idea either.

"Then you stay with us, with me."

Ethan raised eyebrows at that. "How does that keep me safe?"

Edward and I looked at him.

Ethan smiled, quick and surprised. "Are you saying that the two of you are better than all of us?"

I shrugged, not always the most comfortable thing in the shoulder holster. It made me have to resettle the straps with a shoulder movement that looked like what it was, adjusting a strap on a holster that wasn't quite comfy.

"I think it's more that Ted and I trust each other more than we trust a bunch of men we don't know."

"What she said."

"You're human," Ethan said. "You saw what just one of these people did to a hallway full of weretigers. They're trained guards, Anita."

"They're not as well trained as you are," I said.

He shrugged, and had to do his own version of resettling the straps; without his own marshal Windbreaker it was very obvious. "The other guards wouldn't agree with you."

"You held your own with George. Hand to hand with him armed with a gun and a blade, and you kept him at

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