His Uptown Girl - By Liz Talley Page 0,29

legs and it feels like a new world. But, Dez, wanting you is not the issue.”

“But what’s life without taking chances?” He closed the gap between them and traced one finger down her cheek. Her breath quickened.

“I don’t remember,” she said, refusing to meet his eyes, refusing to make that connection he craved. “But being totally honest, I don’t think I can handle being hurt right now...not when I finally feel strong enough to want something more than my empty bed each night.”

He slid a finger beneath her chin and tilted her head up. Finally, her gaze met his. In those depths he saw the fear. “I won’t hurt you.”

“That’s what they all say,” she whispered, an ironic little smile tilting her lips. “I don’t want to be a victim, and I don’t want you to have to protect me. Doesn’t seem fair to—”

“Let’s make a deal.” He cupped her jaw, studying those delicious lips. “If things feel too much, too serious, we walk away.”

Eleanor closed her eyes with a harsh laugh. “Now here’s where my age gives me the upper hand. You can’t walk away when the heart gets involved.”

“We won’t let our hearts get involved.”

“Sure. You can tell yourself that, try to trick yourself, believe you won’t fall to pieces...because things are just casual. But suddenly, it’s not. And if one person doesn’t feel the same then—”

“You’re thinking too damn much,” he said, lowering his head and kissing the pulse fluttering above her collarbone.

She exhaled and her head fell back as a small shudder trembled through her. He slid his arms around her, pulling her into an embrace. He was tired of talking. There were better ways to convince Eleanor this thing between them was worth exploring.

Her hand found his shoulder, and she held on tightly to him as he kissed his way up to the ultimate goal.

By the time he’d made it to her mouth, he knew the convincing was over.

She wanted him.

Her mouth met his, hungry and demanding. She slid one hand up to his jaw, the other to his belt.

Well, then.

But it wasn’t his belt she was after. Her hand dipped under his T-shirt and slid over his stomach up to his chest. Her hand was cold against his heated flesh, but he didn’t give a rip-roaring damn—Eleanor had touched him. Everywhere her hand went, heat followed. He cupped her ass and pulled her against his hardness, grinding his hips a little, showing her how absolutely crazy she made him.

She pushed against his chest, making him step back, hitting the corner of her desk. He stopped a pencil box from falling and when he returned his attention to Eleanor, she’d tugged the fluffy cardigan sweater from her shoulders, dropping it to the floor, giving him bared shoulders to taste.

He pulled her to him, and worked on touching the deliciousness of her bare skin while she did remarkable things with her tongue, stroking his lower lip before returning to the depths of his mouth. She tasted like toothpaste, fresh and warm.

And then she broke the kiss again.

Gazing up at him, she smiled sexily. “Well, aren’t you good at convincing a girl to shut her mouth?”

“I don’t want your mouth shut,” he said, tugging at the camisole tucked into her pants.

She helped him, grasping the soft cotton hem and lifting it, revealing a light orange-colored bra and a vista of soft honeyed skin. After whipping it over her head, she said, “Okay, no more thinking.”

He reached for her, but she stepped back. “Go up front and lock the door. That shirt better be off when you come back. Jeans, too.”

He dropped a kiss onto her shoulder blade. “Yes, ma’am.”

Her answer was to unbutton her pants and slide them down smooth legs, giving him a tease of matching postage stamp–size panties.

“Damn, you’re one sexy woman.”

Pleasure shone in her eyes, urging him to hurry. He exited the office, cursing himself for forgetting to twist the lock on the front door in the first place.

Just as he reached for the lock, a woman reached for the doorknob from the outside. Quickly twisting the lock, he pointed to the Closed sign.

The blonde looked surprised then shook her head.

He jabbed his finger at the sign and mouthed, Sorry.

Again, the young woman shook her head.

Twisting the lock again, he opened the door about a foot.

“We’re closed.”

“Who are you?” she asked, crossing her arms, clearly perturbed.

He didn’t know who the chick was or why she was so adamant. “I’m Dez and the store’s been

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