His (Ties That Bind #2) - Natasha Knight Page 0,18

Josh says, pointing at the brightly lit Dairy Queen when we turn the corner.

“What kind of sundae are you going to get?” I ask him even though I know. He always gets strawberry.

He considers this like he does every time I ask. “Probably strawberry.”

From here, I can see that three tables are occupied with people eating their dinner or having ice cream. I find myself constantly looking around as we cross the two-lane road, and I push open the glass door.

Josh slips free of my hand and runs directly to the counter, face turned up to the menu with photos of the various creations, his hood sliding from his head.

I scan the restaurant, decide it’s safe, and hurry to Josh.

“That one.” He points at the strawberry sundae.

“That one it is,” I tell him and order. Once I’ve paid, we wait a few minutes for the clerk to make the sundae. I plan on going back to the hotel room to eat it, but Josh insists on staying. He’s bored. I get it. And I don’t want him throwing a fit, so we take a seat in one of the booths.

My face is reflected back to me in the window that serves as a mirror with it being nighttime outside and so brightly lit inside. Looking at myself with dark hair triggers something. A memory.

I stare at my reflection for a long moment and remember one more detail about my mother.

She’d dyed her hair black too. And I know it’s not my brain making up the memory because I remember waking up and being afraid when I didn’t recognize her.

Had she done it to hide from Vasily or his men?

“Want a taste?” Josh asks me, calling me out of the memory. He’s holding out a spoonful of ice cream with a smear of strawberry sauce.

“Please.” I open my mouth and let him feed it to me. “Yummy!”

He smiles proudly and continues to eat.

I take out my phone to check the time, feeling anxious as new cars turn into the lot of the ice cream shop, although most use the drive-through window.

“You almost done?” I ask Josh who has slowed down about halfway in.

“The rest is for Wally.” Which means he’s full.

“Sounds good,” I tell him, anxious to get out of here. I leave Josh in the booth as I walk to the counter to ask for a lid and a bag. The door opens, and in my periphery, I see two men enter the restaurant. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, and I can’t help but turn to look at them.

As they walk toward the counter, I notice that one is looking in the direction of our booth where Josh is standing, trying to zip up his coat.

When I glance back at the man, he’s watching me. I freeze, my heart in my throat.

“Cute kid,” he says, then turns to the woman behind the counter, and they order two cones.

I hurry back to Josh and fumble to put the lid on the uneaten portion of ice cream, then help him zip up his coat. I don’t bother with his hood as I walk us hurriedly out of the restaurant and back to the hotel.

“Slow down, Mommy.”

I look down at Josh, who is struggling to keep up. “I’m sorry,” I tell him.

A car honks its horn, startling me as it speeds past. I pull Josh backward, lifting him in my arms, dropping the rest of the ice cream.

“Mommy?” His tone is panicked, and when I look at his face, his eyes are huge, and his lip is trembling.

“Shh, baby, it’s okay. It’s okay. Mommy needs to pay better attention, that’s all. Let’s go back and call Lev, okay? See how far he is.”

He nods, and I keep him in my arms as I wait for another car to pass. As soon as I step out into the street, a big hand closes over my shoulder.

I gasp, spin to find one of the two men from the restaurant looming behind me. He tugs me backward as another car speeds past, catching me when I almost fall.

“I didn’t mean to startle you,” he says, letting me slip backward as I hug Josh who’s watching the man too. “Here.” He holds up Josh’s scarf. “Found it in the booth when my friend and I sat down.”

“My scarf!” Josh says, reaching out for it.

“Oh.” I breathe a sigh of relief. “Thank you.” I let Josh hold it.

“Are you okay?” the man

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