His Stolen Bride - MINK Page 0,9

except me. I’ve known my fate for as long as I could remember. I never let myself have such dreams, knowing they’d never be a reality for me.

“You’re ordering her to eat?” Gianna is as confused as I am about the request. She lets out a gasp. “Did you poison it?”

He gives her a withering look that is the equivalent of an eyeroll, then walks back over to the plate and takes a bite.

“The priest is here,” he says before he gives Leo, who’s been standing in the corner of the room, another dirty look. He has it out for Leo. But Santino had better stow that animosity. Leo is the father of Gianna’s child, and no number of dirty looks will change that.

“He’s in a hurry to get married,” Gianna says as she finishes the braid in my hair.

I walk over to the plate of food, my stomach growling again.

“I’ll find you something to wear.” She flutters off into the closet.

I sit down and take a bite. The taste that hits my mouth is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It’s the best frittata I’ve ever had. It looks so simple, but the flavors all come together nicely. It doesn't take me long to clean the plate. I can’t believe he cooked something so delicious.

“Are you okay? You inhaled that.” Gianna stands next to the table, a dress in her hand.

“I was hungry.”

“Clearly.” She lets out a small laugh. “This should work. Change before he comes back and barks more orders at us.”

I take the dress from her.

“Do you think he doesn't want you wearing the same dress because he’s jealous?” Gianna asks.

“Jealous of what?”

“You got married to someone else in it.”

This time it’s me that laughs.

“I mean, look at him. He’s rushing to marry you.” She tries to spin this into something it’s not. People do that when they're scared. “He looks at you so … so—”

“Heated,” Leo fills in.

“Exactly.” Gianna finally smiles. “He’s rushing because he wants to make you his.”

I sigh. “That man is rushing me to try and save his own life. It has nothing to do with me. If it wasn't for our last name, I’d be dead or tossed out hours ago.”

Her face falls, the smile fading away.

What I said is the truth. She needs to hear it. So, do I.

I can’t allow myself to believe anything else.



I offer the priest a cigarette.

He looks at me like I’m the devil. I shrug and take a drag, letting the poison pool in my lungs before blowing it in his face.

He grimaces but doesn’t protest. After all, he’s more than happy to accept a hefty payment for his services as well as a visit to the brothel in the nearest town.

“She coming?”

“Yeah.” I straighten my collar and dust the ashes off my shoulder.

“You ready?” Lucenzo strides up, his eyes still wary.

I shrug. “I’ve never considered myself the marrying kind.”

“Too busy busting skulls and watching out for Cato.”

“Yeah.” I can’t disagree there. My life has revolved around the Davincis for as long as I can remember. Cato has always been loyal, and I’ve returned the favor. That bond is the reason he’s head of the family here in Italy. And now, it’s my time to forge a new path and make my own name. With Cato at my back, I’ll seize the reins of Giuseppe’s faltering organization and turn it into an unstoppable force.

“You seem nervous.” He watches as I light the next cigarette with the dying embers of the first.

“What makes you say that?” I flick the butt into a golden flowerpot behind the priest.

“No reason.” Lucenzo eyes my cigarette as I take another long drag.

I’m running on fading adrenaline, nicotine, and fumes, though I did have a small bite of the frittata I made for Bella. Did she like it? I hope so. I’m not a chef, but I learned how to cook when Cato and I were coming up. We’d be out doing dirty work and hunkered down in a flat or a tiny villa, both of us unable to leave the safehouse. So, I’d cook. At first, it was garbage, but then I got better. And now I’m good. Cooking for Bella was a particular delight. I should feel ridiculous, but I don’t. I want her to know that I’ll always take care of her.

“You want to punch me?” Lucenzo offers.

“I’m fine.” I finish the cigarette and toss the butt, then shake out my hands. Lucenzo knows me well. I’m a violent

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