His Stolen Bride - MINK Page 0,7

in her virgin cunt.

She stands, her nose in the air as she walks toward the body my men unceremoniously dump on the floor.

“Would you like me to stab him? Cut off a piece for you to keep as a trophy, perhaps?” I pull my knife free.

She swallows hard, and I can see the slight tremble in her chin. “Not necessary.” She keeps her gaze on me. “You did this?”

“Yes.” I point to the crimson smiley face I drew along Giuseppe’s throat. “My hand, my knife.”

“You’ve done this before?” Her color isn’t so high now, her cheeks turning pale.

“Many times.”

“How many?”

“More than I can remember.” I stow my blade and step closer to her.

“Are you going to do that to me?” She asks it so softly I almost miss it.

“What?” I can’t believe the question. “To you? Never.”

“You are a violent man. One who kills without a thought.” Some of the fire leaps back into her eyes. “How can I trust you?”

“You don’t have to trust me, you just have to marry me.” I take another step until she’s in arm’s reach. I want her to trust me, but she’s right. How could she put any faith in me when all I’ve shown her is violence?

“Just like I had to marry Giuseppe.”

“He was nothing.” I point at his body. “Weak. He pissed himself when he first saw me. Begged for his life. Offered you and your sister to me, said I could do whatever I wanted with you if I let him live.”

Her hand goes to her throat.

“You weren’t married to him. He is nothing to you.” I point to his lifeless body.

She finally looks down, finally views what she requested.

And when she does, she drops. Just as I knew she would. I catch her in my arms and clutch her to my chest, then carry her from the room.

“Take him, bleach the floor, and erase any hint of him from this villa. Bury him far out in the vineyard or leave him for the wolves, but I don’t want to see him again until the devil shows me my sins before I’m sentenced to hell.”

“Yes, boss.” My men spring into action as I kick open the nearest bedroom door and carry her inside.

Laying her on the bed, I sit beside her and lean over her. “Bella?” I caress her cheek. “It’s all right. It’s gone. You have nothing to fear.”

Why is she so lovely? Why have I been given a Carrera bride with a fierce heart and a bewitching face? She’s darker than her sister, her nose more severe, her widow’s peak a glimpse into her hot temper, but she’s easily the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.

“Bella, my beauty.” I lean down and steal a kiss from her lips, tasting her gently.

She moves, waking slowly, and kisses me back. I run my tongue along her lips, nudging her to open for me. She shifts closer, her warm tits pressed against my chest.

Then I stop.

“One more move and I’ll open your guts,” she growls and presses a hidden blade against my stomach.

I smile against her mouth. “Oh, my beauty. You’re full of surprises.”



He doesn't flinch. He’s not the least bit scared. We both know it would mean sure death for me if I stabbed him. I’m not ready to die, and where would that leave my sister? There are too many unknowns to take such a risk. One day maybe, after she’s free. I’ll play my part as the good wife until then.

“You, Santino, are full of no surprises. Of course, you steal a kiss. Though I’m sure you think it’s not stealing, that it already belongs to you.” I pull my knife back. “I’ll get ready.”

I wait for him to lash out at my comment, but he only stands and steps back, licking his lips. It’s a fight to not lick my own. I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to taste him again. His mouth felt good on mine. When I sit up, the room spins again.

He smirks. “Why did you ask to see the body if it would make you so sick?”

“That isn't what made me sick.” I give him the same smile he gave me when he stole his kiss. Unfortunately, my stomach chooses this moment to let out a loud growl.

“Are you hungry, beautiful?”

“Stop calling me that.”

“I’ll call you whatever I like.”

I want to spar with him. It would be pointless and likely lead to my lip getting busted again. Still, I

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