His Marriage to Remember - By Kathie DeNosky Page 0,34

times she had longed to hear Sam say those words.

She swiped at her tears with her fingertips and took a deep breath. He might feel that way now, but as soon as he recovered his memory and the doctor released him to go back to work it would all go back to the way it had always been. Sam would go back to traveling nonstop with his rodeo-livestock company and she would be left alone to wait until he graced her with his presence once again. It was something she couldn’t allow herself to forget. Her survival depended on it.

With her perspective restored, Bria washed her face and changed into her nightshirt. She was facing another sleepless night in Sam’s arms—wanting to turn to him, knowing she couldn’t let herself do that.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and walked into the bedroom to lie down on her side of the bed. “Any more dizziness?”

“No.” He reached to pull her over to him. “I’m just tired and need to hold my wife for a while. Do you have any idea how hard it was not to be able to touch you like this today?” he asked, sliding his hand up beneath the tail of her nightshirt.

Sam’s callused palm skimming along her thigh, then up over her stomach and ribs to cup her breast sent a jolt of need streaking from the top of her head all the way to her toes. With the exception of the other morning when he had pulled her into bed with him, it had been months since he had touched her like this and heaven help her, it felt absolutely wonderful.

“S-Sam…I can’t—”

“Still not a good time?” he asked, nibbling tiny kisses from the side of her neck down to the rapidly beating pulse at the base of her throat.

“I…uh, no.” She was extremely glad he had supplied her excuse for her because at the moment she couldn’t remember a single reason why they shouldn’t make love.

She could feel his lips smiling against the overly sensitive skin along her collarbone. “Like I told you the other morning, Bria, I don’t have to be inside you to make love to you.”

Her pulse sped up at the promise she heard in his slightly hoarse voice. But when Sam teased the tight tip of her breast with his thumb as he kissed his way along her jaw to her lips, her heart felt as if it might leap from her chest. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that he meant every word he had said. He was going to drive her to the brink and she wasn’t sure she would have the willpower to call a halt to it.

Somehow, she had to find the strength to stop him before she lost what little sense she had left. “I love the way you make…me feel, Sam,” she said honestly. “But I’m really…exhausted.”

She wasn’t lying. He had always made her feel that she was the only woman he wanted, the only woman he cherished. And she was tired. Just not as tired as she was letting on.

Turning her to her side so they were face-to-face, he lightly kissed her lips. “I understand.” He pressed his lower body into the cradle of her hips. “I just don’t want you to forget how hot you make me and how much I want you.”

The feel of his strong arousal caused an answering tightness in the pit of her stomach and she couldn’t have stopped her tiny moan of need if her life depended on it.

“Shh, sweetheart.” Cupping her cheek, he tilted her head back until their gazes met. “It will only be another day or two and I’ll be able to love every inch of you. And when I’m finished, there won’t be a doubt in your mind what you do to me and how much I need you.” He gave her a kiss that curled her toes. “Now, let’s get some rest. We’ve both had a big day.”

Bria watched Sam close his eyes and in no time his even breathing indicated that he had drifted off to sleep. She knew she wasn’t going to be that lucky.

Wrapped securely in his arms, with her head pillowed on his bare shoulder, it took everything she had in her not to give in to the overwhelming temptation of waking him and asking him to make love to her. He wanted her and she wanted him and nothing would please her more than for Sam

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