His Majesty's Forbidden Temptat - Maisey Yates Page 0,32

would be like to hear you call out my name, and I intend to. You know how long it has been since anyone has called me Alex? Until you. I would hear that name on your lips as I pleasure you.”

He moved higher, his breath on the heart of her now, her sweet scent inflaming him.

Then he lowered his head and slid his tongue over her swollen flesh. Her hips bucked up from the cushion as she whimpered. And he pinned her there, consuming her like a man starving.

For he was.

Starving for her. For all that she was.

He consumed her like he would die if he did not, because he thought he might. Gorged himself on her. On her beauty. On her essence.

He pushed two fingers deep inside of her and found her tighter than anticipated. So he teased her, toyed with her until he began to feel her internal muscles quiver around him. Until he could feel her orgasm building.

Then he sucked that bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs, and he felt her break. She twisted and writhed beneath him, her release a relief to them both. For he had little control left, and none he could exercise anymore.

He moved up her body and kissed her, deep and long, and then, finally, he thrust inside of her body.


TINLEY WAS STILL trying to recover from the earth-shattering pleasure that Alex had given her, when he breached her.

It hurt.

It nearly took her breath away, as powerful as the pleasure that had come before it.

He was so big. When she had seen his body, she had been terrified for a moment, but then he had begun doing all those wicked, pleasurable things to her and it had been difficult to think. No, not difficult, impossible.

And everything he had done to her felt so lovely, his tongue slick and perfect, his fingers knowing and deft, and he had penetrated her that way, and she had thought perhaps it would take some of the difficulty away from their actual joining.

It did not.

Panic rose in her breast.


It was a strange thing, to call out for courage for something she was the one who had initiated. Something she had chosen to do.

But it was frightening. And it was all a bit too much.

And he was...

He was so large and hard and everything. And having him inside of her was beyond anything she could have imagined. For she had known that it might be intense, but she hadn’t really known.

It was as if he was inside of her, not just in a physical sense. But in all the ways he could be. As if he inhabited her soul.

It was terrifying. And so was he.

His expression was intense, his big body frozen atop her.


“I... I didn’t know.”


Confusion swarmed her. “I... How could I?”

He looked tortured then, his dark brows locked together, his teeth clenched.

“Are you all right?”

“No,” she said.

“We’ll stop.”

“No,” she said.


“I want this.”

Because she had to do this. She had to. He was the lion. The wolf pack.

The dragon.

And she was not a virgin sacrifice. She was a knight, needing to slay him.

Needing to slay this.

So that she could become... Whatever it was she needed to be.

But if she backed away now, then it would still be unfinished. If she backed away now then she would never know.

And she had to know.

She had to.

He pushed deeper inside of her, and she hadn’t known it was possible. But finally, some of the pain began to recede, and it gave way to pleasure.

Or, if not pleasure, then something infinitely better than what had come before.

This was different, though, from the easy pleasure she had found from his mouth.

This was something more. It went deep inside of her, and seemed to weave itself in the fabric of her soul.

Created in her a symphony of desire that wrapped itself around her every cell, her every vein, every fiber of what she was.

Until she became part of him.

And he became part of her.

There was a depth to it she could not fathom.

An intensity she could not pin down.

And somehow she knew, this wasn’t about sex. This was about the two of them.

About the things that had existed between them for all time.

About fate.

And when he began to move, all the glimmering strands of pleasure that had woven themselves through her began to sparkle. Shimmer.

They warmed her and filled her, changed her. Consumed her. Until she was a creature made entirely of need.

Alex’s creature.

But when she saw his face,

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