His Lover to Protect - Katee Robert Page 0,50

she raised her eyebrows and held her jacket apart, and he realized two things simultaneously.

With the light coming in behind her, the damn thing was nearly sheer.

And she wasn’t wearing a fucking thing underneath it.

He glanced around, but no one seemed to be paying them a bit of attention. Thank God, because he wasn’t about to get arrested for murdering some idiot who caught an eyeful of her. He stalked over. “You’re going to pay for that little stunt, darlin’.”

“It’s worth it.” She eyed the tickets in his hand. “Where are we going?”

“Surprise.” He said it mostly to push at her, to make her pay for the way she made him feel knowing there was only a thin layer of cloth between her skin and the rest of the world. It didn’t matter that her jacket covered her from the tops of her thighs to her neck. All he cared was that she’d intentionally teased him.

Two could play that game.

Alexis trailed after him as he made his way to the train marked on the tickets. “Have I mentioned how little I like surprises?”

“At least once.” He handed the man in uniform the tickets and motioned for her to precede him through the door. “After you.”

She didn’t look particularly happy with him, but that was okay. They had plenty of time for him to get her back in the right state of mind. And Luke knew exactly how to start.

As they made their way deeper into the car, he picked up his pace until he was damn near pressed against her back. “I like that dress.”

“Hmm? This old thing?”

“I like it so much, I’m going to rip the damn thing off with my teeth later. But not before I push it up your thighs and stroke that sweet pussy of yours until you’re begging for me.”

She stumbled, and he used it as an excuse to steady her—and pull her back to press his cock against her ass. Her gasp was audible even over the hum of the engine. Alexis shook him off, but it took her a few seconds to move forward. Her voice didn’t sound steady as she shot over her shoulder, “We’ll see.”

“Playing hard to get? I’m hurt.”

“I doubt it.” She glanced back, a wicked grin on her face. “Where are our seats?”

“This way.” He slid past her, using entirely more contact than strictly necessary. “Follow me.”

“Better than walking around with you staring at my ass.”

He laughed. “It’s an amazing ass.”

“I know.”

As promised, they had a sleeper car to themselves. The room was minuscule, with a twin bed on each side and just enough room between them for a person to stand.

It was perfect.

“Why, Luke, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you lured me back here to take advantage of me.” She dropped her bag on the bed on the left side and sat down next to it.

He sank onto the mattress next to her, intentionally crowding her, but didn’t say anything as he arranged his bag next to hers. After a little while, the train rumbled into motion. No one else had walked past them, which suited him just fine. Still, he sat back and waited.

It didn’t take long for the attendant to come through, double-check their tickets, and disappear again. Good. They shouldn’t have any interruptions from this point on. He slid the door closed and then locked it. When he turned and glanced at Alexis, he nearly laughed at the furious way her toe tapped. Poking at her was downright enjoyable.

As expected, she lasted less than five minutes after the train left the station behind. “You mentioned a surprise.”

Gotcha. “I thought you weren’t sure which way you were landing on the subject.”

She crossed her arms under her breasts. “Don’t make me take off the jacket.”

“As a threat, that’s sorely lacking.” He curled a strand of her dark hair around his fingers. “Take off the jacket.”

She grinned. “Maybe I’m cold.”

“Now you’re just being contrary. I’ll keep you warm, darlin’. Cross my heart.” He used a single finger to trace an X over his heart. The motion felt strangely intimate, as if he were promising more than sex. Hell, he kind of was. He’d already come to terms with the fact that he didn’t want this thing with her to end when she left Europe.

He just needed to convince her to give him a shot.

“How can I say no to a promise like that?”

“Simple. You can’t.” He used his free hand to drag the hem of her

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