His Love - Cassandra Dee Page 0,4

same time, it’s a corporation just like any other. There are bills to pay, with employees, human resources, accounting and publicity. The wheels have to turn for the business to run, and Mr. Lyons is in charge of it all.

But he’s right for the job because once upon a time, Luke Lyons was a dancer himself. But he got injured and quit ballet, turning to Wall Street instead. That savvy mind and sharp instincts made a fortune in finance within a couple years, and the man is rolling in it now. But the alpha’s first love was always ballet, and eventually he came back to dance, assuming the helm of CEO.

So yeah, he was technically our boss. Or more accurately, he’s our boss’s boss’s boss’s boss, a guy so high up in the sky that we couldn’t even see.

But Megan was having none of that. She skipped over and shot the billionaire a flirtatious smile.

“Hi,” she breathed. “Mr. Lyons, it’s such a pleasure to have you here this morning. Are you going to observe our practice?”

The big man took in that lithe, svelte form with neutral blue eyes.

“Sure am,” he rumbled, voice low and sexy. “I always check out the new dancers. I’m here to see the girls who just joined.”

Megan giggled, and it was a little crazy-sounding if you asked me.

“Oh that’s me!” she simpered, raising one hand. “I’m part of the new class! We started about three months ago.”

The dark man nodded, face still impassive.

“We had a couple girls join,” he rumbled, surveying the studio. “So I’m excited to see you guys perform.”

My heart began pumping. Oh my god, he was here to watch us especially? Me, Megan, Tracey and Carrie? Oh my god, oh my god, I had to do well. I absolutely had to make a good impression in front of the boss.

And at that very moment, Miss Lane clapped her hands.

“Girls, girls! Since Mr. Lyons is here to observe, let’s not keep him waiting alright? Let’s bring our newest dancers out to perform. Come on ladies!”

Heart pumping furiously, I stepped towards the center of the studio along with Megan and the others. Oh god, we were going to be dancing in front of everyone: prima ballerinas, senior staff, and most of all, him. This dark man had me so pumped, excited and trembling inside that I could barely focus. I took my place next to the others, us four girls in a line. My heart beat crazily, almost bursting from my chest.

And then the music began to play. Like all dancers, I can feel sounds in my bones, the music does something to me that’s hard to describe. It lifts me, it soothes me, and it brings me to life in a way that’s electric and yet gentle at once. As the strains of the piano began, I let it take me away.

My knees bent in a soft plié, arms raised over my head in a graceful arch. The girls next to me were doing the exact same steps, but they melted into a haze as I threw myself into the routine. Slowly, my arms came down and then I burst into a series of pirouettes, each one faster than the last, head whipping around once, twice, and then three times, always fixed on the same point across the room.

As my feet stepped and scissored, a certain person added even more vibrancy to my dance. It was Luke Lyons. Those penetrating blue eyes traveled over in every inch of my body, from my curved toes to the tips of my fingers. They scalded my soul, missing nothing, and made me reach for the heavens, and then past the heavens and to the stars themselves.

Because the alpha’s a true master. Luke knows dance better than most professionals; the billionaire’s never left the art behind even though he wears a suit most days now. His gaze ravished me, urging me higher and higher, our souls touching as I danced, prancing and pirouetting, each gesture, each move meant just for him. It was as if there were only two of us in the studio, all else melting into a haze of nothingness.

And suddenly, it was over. The music stopped with one last chord, and we four girls stood once more in a line, our feet poised in first position, breasts heaving with exertion. Applause burst out.

“Bravo! Bravo!” came the cheer of the crowd. “Well done!”

I blushed prettily, bowing my head. Oh god, had that really just happened? Had

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