His Love - Cassandra Dee Page 0,28

they’d done their arabesques, kicked their feet high in the air, and now it was all over. Luke was no longer interested, the girls were just dead weight to the troupe. Why let them stay when there was a newer, younger girl dying to join the Academy?

A short, painful sob burst from my chest, body doubling over in agony. Oh god, I’d been so dumb. I’d been so stupid and naïve, and my limbs twisted in a frenzy, ripping the dirty leotard from my body. The pink material drooped in my fingers, nylon still wet. Oh god, oh god, this was his spunk. This was his dirty cum that was leaking from me still, the river seemingly endless.

And I did something then that made me ashamed. Because despite knowing that I’d been used, I was still in love with Luke Lyons. I still craved that big body, and hungered to feel him inside, owning me, possessing me. And like a woman in a trance, I lifted the dirty fabric to my nose and inhaled deeply. Oh god, it smelled good. The man juice was musky and aromatic, filling my senses, making me heady.

What is wrong with you? screamed the voice in my head. You were USED! He USED you, don’t you get it? Don’t do this, you’re insane!

But being with Luke has changed me, and I really am a needy woman now. Because my heart ached, mind spinning, but deep inside, I still longed for him. I longed to hear that laughter once more, and to feel his chest rumble as I laid my ear against broad expanse. I longed for those clever fingers trailing over my hills and valleys, and the knowing look in those blue eyes when I cried out.

And realizing that I’d probably never feel his thickness in me again made me sob incoherently. My soul felt ripped into two. Was it true? Would I never dance for Mr. Lyons again, wriggling on that hard thickness? Would I never feel his mouth on my breasts, sucking deep?

Like a woman in a trance, I did the only thing that would make me feel better. Lifting the dirty leotard to my lips, I licked the crotch, sampling his wet cum. The white globs were jelly-like and tantalizing. Inhaling, my eyes closed, savoring the taste on my tongue. Because this is my ambrosia. This is what gets me up in the morning, and I’d never have it again.

Stop! screamed the voice in my head. Stop Kitty! You’ve gone insane!

But out of the frying pan and into the fire. Because if I was never going to see Luke again, then I wanted to make the most out of this secret opportunity. Scrunching up that dirty material into a fist-sized ball, my leg lifted in a graceful split, the extension beautiful, and I rubbed that wet fabric against my cunt. Oh yeah, my hole pulsed hungrily. This was absolutely the right thing to do.

And with slow, trembling fingers, I inserted the soft material into my pussy, stuffing my hole tight. His hot jism electrified my frame, making me shudder, and delirious with pleasure, I gasped aloud.

Luke, Luke, the name rang in my mind. Take me, Luke.

And just like that, my body exploded into shudders. My folds clamped down quick, dissolving into tremors as I screamed aloud, letting out the pain that seared my soul. Oh god, I’d been used, and yet all I wanted was more of the big man. All I wanted was to be taken again, to feel him in me, dancing on that thickness for his eyes only.

But it was all over. I was no different from the Natalies, Lucys and Marys that’d come before me. There was nothing to set me apart: not my amazing ballet moves nor my scintillating personality. I was just the flavor of the month and as my sweetness spasmed hard, the tears started to flow for real. Yes, I was coming and crying at the same time, emotions rushing through my soul so fast and furious that I doubled over, both from pain and ecstasy.

But a hard rap sounded on the door then.

“Kitty?” came an annoyed voice. “Kitty? We’re waiting for you.”

Immediately my mouth snapped shut, choking off my cries.

“Be right out!” I called. “Just give me a sec!”

Scrambling, I forced my body to be calm. It was impossible with the dirty leotard stuck inside, but I yanked it out and scrambled into a fresh one, staring at myself in the mirror. Luke’s

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