His Off Limits Best Friend - Vivian Wood Page 0,51

compassion than that.

Instead, he opened up his favorite “dating” app and started swiping. It was a joke people even called it a dating app, but it had made his life a hell of a lot easier when the app was developed. For a little while, he’d toyed with making some of the girls he met up with think he was average in every regard. Average job, average income, average family and average cock.

But they always found out the truth. Only twice had he used a completely fake name so they couldn’t look him up, and he’d felt so slimy he never did it again. Just one of those girls he’d slept with had ruined it for him. Hearing her shout, “Curtis!” over and over was a real buzzkill.

He’d discovered that while his money and background certainly sped up the process, it wasn’t necessary to lead with. Connor was popular with women online and in real life. It was his looks, the way he’d learned to tell women what they wanted to hear, and of course what he packed in his jeans.

Still, the app was like a shortcut. He still loved the thrill of the hunt, and there was something about meeting a woman in a bar. The way they looked like prey, like little white rabbits that begged to be cornered.

However, in recent years, he’d noticed women had increasingly approached him. He appreciated it, sure, but it definitely dulled the excitement. Also increasingly, the women were older. Connor didn’t mind cougars, in fact before Sam they’d been some of his best experiences—but it was also off-putting.

What are you going to do? Walk down to the hotel bar right now and pick someone up? He couldn’t be that shitty.

Connor turned his back completely to Sam. He almost wanted her to wake up and catch him as he swiped right over and over. Then it would be easy. She’d be the one to break things off. He didn’t even register any of the women’s photos, let alone their bios. All he could think about was Sam.

How bad would it be to wake her up to fuck her just one last night? Too bad, he decided. That was almost his father’s level of disgusting. Still, he knew she wouldn’t mind. What if she woke up already close to orgasm? No, too creepy. He just couldn’t do it.

He wanted her more than anything. No matter how many times they had sex, it just wasn’t enough. More like a temporary satiation that they both knew wouldn’t last. And still, in between those sessions, it was fun. Relaxed. Comfortable even. Is this what it’s supposed to be like?

Part of him also wondered how much of this she was faking, if any of it. After all, he’d propositioned her to be a contractor for him the day they met. And he’d been a raving lunatic that day over Sandra. Maybe she’s pretending with all of this. Maybe she’s going to blackmail me!

Connor looked at her again at that thought. No. You’re just being paranoid, he told himself. Nobody was that good of an actor. In bed, she was wild, and he knew she wasn’t just making up the whole story about him nearly being her first time. He’d never felt anyone that tight before. Not even when he’d been in high school himself.

Clearly, she was genuine. But if that was the case, what did she want with someone like him?

He forced himself to actually look at the photos at least before he swiped. Sure, some of them were cute. Some of them were hot. However, even without taking rampant photo manipulation out of the equation, they just didn’t get him hard the way Sam did.

What are you up to tonight? One of the women had already messaged him. He realized it was just early evening back in DC.

Sitting on a balcony in Monaco with my fake fiancée naked in bed a few feet away. That certainly wouldn’t go over well. Shit, you can do this! What’s your problem?

Looking at your gorgeous pictures while I’m away on business, he replied after ten minutes.

He got a winky face in return. This one was already in the bag. She was young, curvy and blonde with a bachelor’s degree in communications. She mentioned in her bio she was an administrative assistant at some tech company he’d never heard of. And obviously, she had no qualms about making the first move at what was an early Friday evening for her. Easy. Damn,

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