His Off Limits Best Friend - Vivian Wood Page 0,24

she was agreeing to.

“I do, too. You know, most young people these days…”

The woman continued to blather on, and Sam stared again at Connor’s midsection. Is there such a thing as too big? I imagine you’d have to work up to it…

Her eyes moved upward and took in his wide chest. How masculine his hands were that held that scotch tumbler. When she reached his face, she realized he’d been staring at her the entire time. Connor nodded at her and gave her that smirk that she’d seen him dish out to every girl that fawned over him.

Embarrassed, she immersed herself in the boring conversation with the woman.

“…the Tories, that’s who we need to be emulating,” the woman said.

“I couldn’t agree more.”



Connor gestured for the waitress and settled back into his white chair at Barmini. It was an eclectic gathering, and not what he’d planned—a small group of investors, his closest friends, and Sam. However, it had worked out beautifully.

Chase and Jay were completely taken by Sam. He glanced over at the trio, who were buried in deep conversation. Sam was dressed in a smart white suit with a deep neckline and sky-high stilettos. James had matched her to the décor, yet she managed to outshine even the swankiest of cocktail lounges in the city.

Chase laughed loudly and Jay couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. Can’t say that I blame them.

“For real?” Jay asked Sam. “Damn, how’d you get seats like that?”

“I’m an alum,” she said as she sipped at her scotch with just a splash of soda. “Any time you guys want to go to a game, just let me know.”

“Awesome, man,” Jay said with a fist bump to Chase.

“I don’t know why you put up with this guy,” Chase told her, and nodded toward Connor with a smile. “He can be a pretty demanding SOB, right?”

“Oh, he’s not so bad,” Sam said. She smiled across the table at Connor warmly.

Connor knew he should work the table, enchant the investors, but she commanded everyone’s attention. Even the investors, save for one who clearly had tastes that differed wildly, weren’t being very covert with their looks in her direction.

“Sam,” one of the investors said to her. He didn’t give a damn that he’d interrupted the conversation. “Tell me, what do you do?”

“Oh, I’m an event coordinator at an agency in the city,” she said. “We manage pretty much every type of event, but this time of year it’s mostly weddings. And the occasional over the top graduation party.”

“Event management,” the investor said. He stared at her with clear desire. “I can see how you’d do well at that.”

She laughed and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I have to admit, I thought it would be quite different when I started. But you haven’t seen the wild side of people until their big event is on the line.”

“I can imagine,” the investor said. “Is this your first job post-college? I’m guessing you majored in communication or business, then. Very fitting for marrying Connor, here.”

She shook her head lightly. “Actually, no, I majored in math education.”

“Math?” the investor asked. She’d genuinely confused him.

“Math education, it’s a little different,” she said.

“Connor, you’ve got a smart one here,” the investor told him.

“I’m becoming more aware of that by the day,” Connor said as he took her in. There was something about her. Something that just reeled him in closer every day.

Sam wasn’t just hot. She was truly beautiful. It was an intoxicating combination he wasn’t used to. Why did it take you so long to notice she was more than just another hot piece of ass?

“Are you okay?” one of the investors asked Connor. It was the oldest man at the table, and one who stared nonstop at Sam’s breasts. Or at least, nonstop until he’d decided to call me out just now.

“Yeah, fine,” he said. He readjusted his position again in an attempt to hide the fact his dick was hard. Thank God we’re sitting down. Every time Sam smiled, there was another awkward shift in his trousers. It was ridiculous, this power she seemed to have over his body. He knew he had to cut himself off after this drink. Not only did he need his head in the game for the rest of the night, but he couldn’t promise he wouldn’t hit on her with just a drop more of liquid courage.

Sam caught his eye across the table and looked at him funny. She raised a brow, and asked silently

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