His Human Surrogate (Monsters Love Curvy Girls #2) - Michele Mills Page 0,37

feel like a fraud. I’m not a “real” mom. I’m a surrogate. I’m not pregnant and carrying a baby that’s going to be mine. How can I join a moms group if I’m not going to be a mom?

“Oh, stop it,” Riley says when I finally admit my fears. “They won’t care. You’re my friend, this is all that matters. They will love you like I do. And tonight will be a perfect time to start, because it’s an adults-only night. No children allowed.”

She’s right, so I take a deep breath and accept the invite, just this once. I don’t even know what “Bunko” is though. Some kind of game with dice and numbers? Apparently, the ladies get drunk and cutthroat about it. The winners get to flash flame the losers? This sounds like fun. The only bummer is, I can’t drink.

Sherkis lives in a nice, comfortable house two streets over from Berg’s house. Her domicile isn’t as high-tech as Riley’s new house, but it isn’t nearly as old as the Heimdall design Bergelmir bought. I walk over with Riley. We arrive to see the house set up for the game and filled with a large group of Hyrrokin females. Riley and I are the only humans. And for once, I’m not being stared at in wonder. It must be because they’re all used to Riley already, so I’m no big deal.

At first we all mingle at the buffet table, stuffing our faces with yummy food. Then they all get mixed drinks and I get a glass of ice-cold Traq and then we sit at tables of four females each. Riley ends up across the room from me, so I’m sitting with ladies I’ve never met. We exchange quick introductions and get settled. I’m looking at my game sheet, trying to figure it all out when the first question starts.

“Is it true that you’re carrying Bergelmir Touchstone’s offspring?” a female named Lurcas asks.

Oh hell, here we go. “Yes,” I admit, with one hand on my stomach. “I’m carrying Bergelmir’s baby.”

The other females at the table glance down toward my midsection. I’m at that awkward place in my pregnancy where some beings who look at me can tell I’m pregnant, and to others I just look bigger and thicker than before. It’s a weird grey area.

“I cannot fucking believe it. Bergelmir Touchstone? No way. What is with these adorable humans landing these Touchstones?”

“I’m so jealous I could flash flame, right now.”

One female shoves at another. “Justical, don’t you dare flame. I just bought this outfit, the last thing I need is scorch marks.”

“Are you his bound?” Lurcas asks, with awe in her voice.

“No, no,” I reply quickly. “I’m sorry if I gave that impression. I’m not his bound. That’s illegal, my species is on the ‘do not admit’ list.”

Justical winces. “She means the ‘shit hole’ list.”

“That’s so embarrassing. I can’t believe it. One moment humans are the number one requested worker, and the next no humans are allowed? It’s crazy.”

“Good thing Aegir and Riley got married when they did. Now it’s illegal for a Hyrrokin to have a human bound. They aren’t recognized.”

“I heard the law states for the couple to be separated and the human banished immediately if discovered and the Hyrrokin sent to prison.”

“Didn’t he win you as his surrogate in some kind of virtual auction?”

My cheeks get hotter. “Yes.” I swallow hard against the lump in my throat. “Like I said, he’s not my bound. I’m his surrogate. As a matter of fact, I signed a gestational contract prior to becoming his surrogate, giving away all claim to the baby and being his bound.”

“Good idea, that makes you safe and Bergelmir as well. Meanwhile you can stay here on your work visa and carry his baby.”

Lurcas takes a sip of her wine and then asks, “Who is the biological mother?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” I answer. “The egg is from a donor.”

“A donor? Hmm.” Justical rolls the dice to get the game started. “That’s very rare here. She must’ve signed away her rights too.”

“What Hyrrokin female in her right mind would give Bergelmir Touchstone her egg and not want to be declared his bound?”

“Someone already mated and entirely selfless?”

“Or someone who was paid a shit ton of currency!”

They all start laughing and falling against each other. I’m sad I can’t drink too and join in their fun. Oh well, one day I’ll be able to.

But all this does is remind me that one day I’ll give this baby I’m

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