His Human Surrogate (Monsters Love Curvy Girls #2) - Michele Mills Page 0,19

and that you have a lot going on, what with saving the entire planet and all. I just hope you’re being careful. I know what you do is dangerous, and I know you’re big and strong, but I’m still worried for your safety.

I snort. My female is always joking, referring to what I do as “saving the planet” although I actually am saving the planet. I find it delightful. As far as she knows, I’m on a mission with my security firm, protecting some self-important asshole from the harm he probably deserves. Instead I’m about to decimate the Xylan Mafia. Chloe doesn’t know this, but I’m not on Tarvos anymore. I’ve had to follow our targets off planet. And I’m beginning to worry this won’t be a short mission. But this is for her safety as well as the lives of my entire species. We suspect these assholes have an extinction-level weapon.

I pause and frown because I hate the idea of Chloe being worried. She’s in my home, with my seed growing in her womb and my family all around her. I am doing all I can right now—considering the constraints of our recently fucked up laws—to make her mine and take care of her. My main priority is her happiness.

Aegir asked if I could move into your new domicile and house sit while you’re gone. He said you needed someone to take possession immediately? I agreed and moved into your house today. Your mom and Methone helped. And so did Grandma Narvi.

I pause and narrow my eyes. Grandma Narvi? That flaming old battle-axe? What she’s up to, spending time with my future bound?

Right now, I’m in your bedroom in your new house.

She is? I grin. Hmm, she doesn’t know this, but I installed a security feed in my new domicile prior to my departure. I tap the corner of my tablet and cause a live visual to pop up. I choose my bedroom and zoom in on my bed. There she is, asleep. My beautiful human with her black follicles spread over my pillow. I take comfort in watching my future bound, filled with my offspring, in my bed. If only I was there with her.

I’m going to have to sleep here at first because it’s the only room with furniture. I’m sorry, I hope this doesn’t bother you. I should be out of here soon and in a different room that can later be set up as a guest room for you.

What is this nonsense? I chose the furniture in that room, hoping she’d like it. That’s her room. I purchased that currency pit because I imagined Chloe and I living in that master bedroom, together. We can make it perfect.

There are still so many boxes. I can’t believe you have so much stuff. I’m not sure how much of it to open. Maybe you don’t want me touching your personal items? We made sure to move the boxes labeled your bedroom in there and didn’t touch them.

I want her to open everything. I hide nothing from her, except this plan. And I am only doing this so we can be together. My life is nothing like it used to be. Everything I do, I do for her.

I like your home. I hope this doesn’t bother you, but I actually have a lot of ideas for how to change things. The cleaning and repair bots arrived, and the house is at least nice and neat now. I’m sure you have your own ideas though…

I want my bound to do whatever she wants to our new domicile. I know the way her mind works and the care she puts into restoration. I’m certain I will enjoy whatever she decides. I’m just hoping I’ll return in time for us to do some of the work together. That was my vision all along—that Chloe and I would work on this domicile, together, and create a home for our future offspring.

Why didn’t you tell me you were buying this place?

Because this was the domicile I wanted to surprise her with.

My heart hurts, knowing Chloe entered without me at her side. I wanted to be there, to see her reactions. And instead all of my plans were shot to hell with the change in immigration and the fact that I was called in for this mission, at the worst possible moment.

I hope it’s okay if these messages run kind of long. I don’t know, I’ve just always felt that I can talk to

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