His Human (The New Neighbors #2) - M.A. Innes Page 0,55

complain out loud, Master.” I gave him a sweet smile. “I can’t get punished for what my pheromones and heart rate say. So I get to be spanked as a reward for helping Nolan.”

Maverick chuckled and wrapped me up in his limbs. I wrapped my arms and legs around him in return since I could move this time. “Your logic is sometimes questionable.”

“But Nolan was feeling better?” That seemed like a better route to go since I was honestly curious and it was the least likely direction to talk him out of spanking me. “I thought he was, but I wasn’t sure.”

Maverick nodded as he carried me over to the couch. As he sat down, arranging me so I was straddled on his lap, he ran one tentacle over my head. “Yes, he was feeling less conflicted and less…dark. I agree with your assessment that he should contact you to discuss his emotions.”

“But he wasn’t as worried when we left?” He’d headed home when we had and he’d seemed lighter, but sometimes it was hard to tell what people were thinking.

Smiles didn’t always mean happy.

“He seemed to be processing your discussion and his body gave signals that indicated decision-making and resolve.” Maverick wrapped me tighter as I cuddled into him.

“Good. I just wish I knew what his boyfriend was going to say.” Dating guys who were outside the scene was hard enough when you just wanted a spanking and some dirty talk, but when someone was little, it was even harder.

My friend Jack had moved to the other side of the country when he’d found his Daddy on an online dating site. His Daddy turned out to be a great guy, but that wasn’t always the case. I just hoped everything worked out with Nolan’s boyfriend.

“I do not understand his human partner’s reservations to please his mate.” Maverick’s confusion could be heard in his voice. “Pleasing one’s partner is a pleasure in itself. It does not have to arouse him.”

That was hard.

“Ideally, what you want or how you want to be treated in your relationship pleases you both. That’s the goal, anyway. Sometimes it just looks different for couples. Take us, for example—you like taking care of me and you love being able to watch over me. Not everyone likes that, but for us, it’s perfect because even if the sex thing doesn’t really look traditional for us, you get pleasure out of other things. His boyfriend might not.”

Was the guy just too narrow on what he liked sexually to be compatible with Nolan or was it more than that?

“We must meet this boyfriend of Nolan’s so I can begin to understand.” Maverick announced it like he was the king and he’d figured out what he wanted next and we were all supposed to get in line.

Trying not to smile, I tried to figure out how to respond to that. “I think we need to let Nolan handle things for a while, and once they’ve figured shit out, then we can hopefully meet him.”

Nolan had promised to call me later in the week, and if he didn’t, I was going to head over to his work and practice my stalking techniques. He needed a friend even if he was hesitant to reach out for one.

“If you think that is best, we will start there.” He was trying to be gracious, but I had a feeling his patience would only last so long.

“Thank you, Master.” Kissing his cheek, I relaxed back into him and just appreciated being held and having found a wonderful Dom and partner.

“I do have a few topics that need clarification, however.” His researcher voice said he’d found something else interesting.


“Nolan mentioned being what he called little and you referred to a potential Dom for him as a Daddy.” Listening to him carefully rearrange his thoughts was cute.

“Yes.” I wasn’t even going to guess where he was going with the conversation.

“That is a form of BDSM where one partner is a caretaker, as you have called it, but where they treat the submissive as if they were younger? Role-playing, if you will?”

Relieved that he got it, I nodded. “Yes, his Daddy would take care of him. Nolan might do things like color or play with toys or want to be fed with a bottle if he’s really young when he’s little.”

“Because it is relaxing to be treated as a young child?” He was quiet for a second as I nodded. “They do not have the stresses of adulthood

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