His Human (The New Neighbors #2) - M.A. Innes Page 0,25

decision had been made. My assumption was that I was going to get to come, but I liked not knowing.

He was obviously planning on touching and teasing me, but had his conversation with George been enough to satisfy his fear of hurting me?

There was also the BDSM research he’d done that I needed to take into account.

He seemed to really appreciate the control and edging aspect. Maverick would thoroughly enjoy cementing his control of me by getting me all hard and needy and then saying something sweet before wrapping me in his limbs all night.


He might just do that.

As he settled back in the bed, he kept me close and stretched me out over him. It felt odd being balanced on his body, but it was firm and almost like a muscular human chest. His tentacles stroked over me, keeping me pressed against him as he slowly eased my legs apart.

I was so excited I could hardly breathe, so when he spoke and it was clear he wanted to talk, I almost cried out in frustration.

“I have not met any couples like George and his Cameron.” Maverick slowly stroked my body as he spoke.

Not having to hold himself upright let him use all of his tentacles to hold me down. It made me feel even more helpless, which just added to my desire, and it made my dick press even harder against his body.


He wanted to talk.

“They just clicked, but Cameron wasn’t sure about them dating at first. He’d had a string of bad relationships and they lived in the same apartment building, so he was worried they’d keep running into each other if it didn’t work out.” For a moment I was worried that he might think Cameron had an issue with George’s species, but Maverick nodded.

“Yes, proximity can be an issue in human relationships.” The tone in his voice said he thought we made things more complicated than we needed to, which I had to agree with.

“But once they started dating, they just clicked and it was clear they bonded.” Which was still fabulously cool—and judging from the way Cameron hadn’t panicked at all, the bonding pheromones were potent as shit.

It was just like a romance novel.

“Your physiology is fascinating. I was not expecting our species to be compatible in that way.” His limbs shifted me so he could see me easier…or maybe so I could see his face easier. “I do not know how knowledgeable you are on our species’ bonding practices, but it is a much more conscious decision for the submissive partner than it seems to be with humans.”

I nodded. “Yeah, Cameron told me. But really, humans can’t be trusted to make good decisions about relationships all the time, so I can understand why we don’t work that way.” God only knew what trouble we’d get into if we could choose to submit that completely.

“You are unique creatures.” Maverick seemed to mean that in the most interesting, almost scientific way, so I couldn’t take offense…especially when he was right.

Before I had to find a good response to that statement, he kept going. “I would like to meet George and your friend Cameron. Having dinner together is a socially acceptable form of meeting new acquaintances?”

“Yes.” With anyone else I would have said it was entirely too early to introduce them to Cameron and George, but this was Maverick. “Do you want me to see if they’re free next weekend? I know they do a lot of stuff with a group of bonded couples, but I think they’re free.”

Maverick nodded. “That would be acceptable.”

I would have said it would be interesting, but acceptable would work.

“I’ll talk to Cameron about it, then.” Maverick must have been satisfied with what he saw on my face because when I cuddled back against him, he tightened his hold again.

“In your submissive-based relationships, is it the submissive who establishes social engagements?” It was an earnest question I had to take a second to decipher.

“Um, it depends on the couple. Cameron and I have been friends for a while, so I think of calling him first, and George is laid-back. I don’t think they divide out roles like that.” I thought for a moment. “Honestly, George is just really focused on Cameron and would control anything Cameron let him.”

Maverick made an agreeing sound that gave me the impression he thought that was perfectly reasonable. I chuckled and nuzzled against his chest. “Our version of submission generally doesn’t go that deep, though. There are

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