On His Face - Tabatha Kiss Page 0,56

I lick downward, giving her anus a sweet poke that sends a sudden jolt through her. She plants a hand on the wall, hitting it hard as she gasps in surprise. I read her body language through sticky eyelashes, daring to poke her again. She mewls as I cup her ass cheeks and massage her with my tongue. She squeezes my hair harder. She grinds my nose faster. She moans louder and louder as sweet juices soak my lips.

Her thighs shake. I point my tongue, aiming it for her clit to send her over the edge. She breathes faster, every nerve tightening as the tension climbs higher and higher and—

Two loud knocks strike the door.

The doorknob turns.

“Hey, guys— Ahh!”

Heidi startles, losing her balance. Her body slips down and—


I grunt as pain fires through my face. It startles Heidi all over again and she pushes off me. She crashes to the floor as I sit forward, cradling my nose in one hand as I fumble for the sheet with the other.

Jenna hovers in the doorway, her hand covering her mouth. “Uh...”

“Jenna!” Heidi frantically grabs the nearest pillow to cover herself up with. “What the hell?!”

“Pardon me,” she blurts. “I don’t mean to interrupt your breakfast, but I thought you’d like to know that Seth’s truck just entered our driveway.”


The doorbell rings.

“Yup,” Jenna says. “That’d be him.”

Heidi shuffles to her feet. “Oh, shit...”

“What’s he doing here?” I ask, ever so gently probing the bridge of my nose.

She slaps her forehead. “I forgot that he was picking me up for breakfast today.”

“You forgot?”

“Well, I was very distracted! It slipped my mind.”

The front door opens. “Hey, Heidi!” Seth shouts inside. “You there?”

Oh, shit.

“Don’t you guys lock that?” I ask. “This is a horrible neighborhood.”

“Uh...” Heidi winces. “Be right out, Seth!” she shouts.

“Yeah, that’s my bad,” Jenna whispers, but she points at Heidi. “But it’s partially your fault since I wasn’t the one getting the old come hither on the couch last night and—”


“Okay, okay.” She holds up her hands. “I’ll stall him.”

She steps back into the hallway and closes the door.

I ignore the sharp pain in my face as I search for my clothes. Heidi does the same and we pass each other items back and forth as we find them strung out on her floor.

Heidi zips up her jeans. “I’ll distract him,” she says. “You sneak out through the kitchen.”

I nod, eager to get as far away from here as I can. If Seth finds out I spent the night here with his sister, well...

I’m just not going to think about that right now.

Heidi pauses with her hand on the doorknob. She sneaks forward to look around the corner into the living room, her hand discreetly holding me back behind her.

“So, what can you tell me about Jack?” we hear Jenna say.

“Jack?” Seth asks.

“Yeah, Delta Xi Jack. I hooked up with him after a party a few weeks back and he’s been dodging my messages, so what’s up with that?”

“I... don’t know. You’ll have to ask Jack.”

Heidi moves on cat-like paws, silently getting an angle on the room. After a second, she waves her hand, guiding me to bolt for the kitchen across the living room.

I rush forward with my socks and shoes in hand. Seth stands with his back to me, thankfully keeping his eyes on Jenna as she engages him in conversation he clearly wants none of.

“Well, you’ve got to know something about him,” Jenna says as I pass through the room. “You live together.”

“He... likes music?”

I reach the kitchen, almost scot-free.

Heidi casually strides forward into the room. “Hey, Seth,” she says. “Sorry, I overslept and completely forgot...”

I pause by the back door to throw on my socks and shoes. My eyes tingle, my skin and eyelashes still coated with a layer of... well, Heidi.

I yank a paper towel off the roll by the sink and moisten it with water before spinning back around to escape through the door.

“Fuck!” I hiss, somehow forgetting the lingering pain firing through my nose as I dab my eyes too hard.


Oh, shit.

Shit. Shit.

I turn around slowly as Seth walks in. He comes to a stop in the doorway with his brow furrowed and shoes planted on the linoleum.

Heidi whips in behind him, far too timid and panicked to say a word.

“Oh, hey, man...” I dab my eyes. If we’re going to have this conversation now, I’d rather not do it with his sister’s fluids all over me. “What’s up?”

“What are you doing here?” Seth asks,

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