On His Face - Tabatha Kiss Page 0,49

He flexes, still so sensitive. A few remaining drops fall from him onto my skin. I’m marked. Claimed.

And I like it.

Drew kisses my cheek, still breathing hard. “You okay?” he asks.

I look at him. There’s a little guilt in his eyes. He wonders if we went too far. If he took it too far.

I smile. I kiss him without another word.

What better way it there to show how much I love him?

Chapter 27


I enter Ramsey Hall and smile at Jenna lingering in the hall outside the classroom.

“Hey, Jenna!”

She looks up from her phone. “Oh, hello there,” she says.

“Where have you been?” I ask. “I keep missing you.”

“Oh, I just figured I’d, you know... make myself scarce.” She smirks as we march into Professor Wilson’s class. We weave through the chairs and easels to reach our usual spots by the windows. “Drew’s been spending an awful lot of time at the house lately.”

I blush. “Yeah. A little.”

“Does this mean you two have finally…?”

“No,” I answer.

She bristles. “Are you sure?”

“Uh... yeah.” I chuckle. “I’m sure.”

“Because I heard some noises the other night that seem to indicate otherwise.”

I hold my breath. “What noises?”

“A moan here. A squeak of the mattress there. A heated grunt — my favorite by far, by the way.”

I look down, my cheeks on fire. “We did... some stuff.”

“Mouth stuff? Thrusty stuff?” she asks. “What we talking about here?”

I scoff, amused. “How do you talk about this so casually?”

“Casual sex is, by definition, casual.”

“Drew and I aren’t casual,” I point out. “And we didn’t have sex.”

Her brow arches. “You didn’t?”


“Then, what were you doing in there? P90X?”

I chuckle as I search for the right words. “Hand... stuff.”

“Hand stuff?” she repeats. “Over the clothes, dry-humping kind of stuff?”

“Like...” I lower my voice as more students enter the room. “Naked in bed together, tender kisses and touching… stuff.”

“Did you come?”

I flinch at her volume. “Jenna!” I snap with a whisper.

“Right. Sorry.” She clears her throat. “Did you swell in a glorious climax as your hearts beat as one?”

I roll my eyes. “Yes.”

“Him, too?”

“Yes. We… came together.” I bite my lip, feeling the memory all over again. “Twice.”

She pauses for a moment, then nods. “That’s some sexy shit,” she says.

“It was nice and romantic and I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I remain a virgin.”

“Ah, yes. The technical virgin argument.”

I shrug. “We didn’t have sex.”

“You lied down naked together and brought each other to mutual, simultaneous orgasm. You, my friend, had some sex.”

“But we didn’t have sex sex,” I argue.

“You have got to stop giving so much meaning to vaginal intercourse. It’s such a small part of sex! It’s not even the best part of sex.”

I pause. “It’s not?”

She drops her sketchpad on the easel. “Heidi, sex comes in many shapes, sizes, and wet spots. You had some sex and, by the sounds of it, you might have even made love, too, so… kudos.”

“Okay, fine,” I say. “I had some sex.”

She nods. “You had some sex.”

“I’m sexually active.”

“You’ve officially been activated.”

I mull it over in my head some more while I prep my easel. I suppose it’s ultimately up to me to decide for myself what’s sex and what’s sex sex but, the more I think about it, the better I feel about it.

I spent the night with Drew. It was new and intense. I’m glad it happened with him, whatever it was. When I look back on this in fifty years, I can’t imagine having a single regret.

The model hops up on the platform, dressed in nothing but a black robe he seems very eager to shed.

Wait a minute.

That’s not Drew.


He winks at several other girls in class, firing a pair of finger guns in their helpless directions.

“Hey, where’s your boyfriend?” Jenna frowns at me with disappointment. “You said I was going to get to ogle his peep tonight.”

I furrow my brow, just as confused as she is.

I step out of the classroom and pause.

Drew lingers in the hallway with his hands in his jean pockets. He stands up taller as he spots me, but puts on a casual look for the rest of the class as they exit around me.

“Oh, there he is,” Jenna says, stopping beside me.

“There he is,” I say.

“He’s got prick face again.”

I frown. “No, he doesn’t.”

“Scowly McScowlerson.”

“He looks totally normal. Stop it.”

“Oh, sure. Totally normal.” She gives my shoulder an affirming pat. “Well, I’m heading over to Bobby’s. I’ll see you later.”

“See you later.” I process what she said as she walks away. “Wait, Bobby? Really?”

She turns

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