On His Face - Tabatha Kiss Page 0,46


His eyes drift down my body, giving me goosebumps. Him, strong and casual.

Me, freaking the fuck out.

“Have you figured out what you’ll submit to the Art Fest?” he asks.

“Oh.” I blow out hard. “I don’t know if I’m going to do it, actually.”

“What? But your vision board.”

“There’s always next year.”

“That won’t always be true, you know,” he says, teasing.

“Sure, but I’m young and stupid. It’s my prerogative to put things off.”

He chuckles. “Fair enough, but I think you should do it. I really think you’ll kill it.”

I step away from the desk. “I’ll think about it.”

Drew nods, leaving it be.

“So…” I sit down on the edge of my bed. “What did you want to talk about?”

He pauses, but quickly bobs his head. “Oh, right. Yeah.” He sits down next to me. “That.”

I stare at him. Each second feels longer than the last as I wait for him to rip the bandage off. “Uh-huh…” I say, urging him on.

Drew smiles, enjoying the suspense. “I got another email from Professor Wilson,” he says. “You’re starting full figure drawings this week.”

I nod. “That’s what the syllabus says, yes.”

“She asked if I’d like to come in for that, but I thought we’d need to talk about it first.”

“Yes…” I bite my cheek. “Why?”

“Well, we’ve been spending a lot of time together,” he says. “And, as of about twenty minutes ago, you’re my girlfriend.”

I smile. “Yes, I am.”

“So, I figured you’d have an opinion about me being buck naked in front of an entire classroom of people.”

“Ohhh!” I say. “I’m supposed to have an opinion about that, aren’t I?”

“If it’s too weird, I won’t do it.”

I think for a moment, the gears of my head slowly turning. “Well, I don’t think it’d be that weird…”

“No?” he asks.

“I mean, it’s a job,” I say, mulling it over out loud. “You’re getting paid.”


“And you have fun with it. It’s something you really enjoy, right?”


“So…” I shrug a shoulder. “I guess I’m okay with it?”

“Are you sure?”

“I think so.”

“You think so?”

“I think I’m sure I’m okay with it, yeah.”

“Because we’re still above the waist,” he says. “Are you sure you want the first time you see me naked to be in front of a dozen people?”

My stomach twists slightly. “I didn’t think of it like that, actually…”

Drew nods. “Just say the word and I won’t do it.”

I look down as blood fills my cheeks. “No, you don’t have to cancel,” I say. “It’s… just a little bit of skin, right? No big deal.”

“Well, a big bit of skin,” he jokes.

“Of course.” I laugh with him, thankful for the break in tension. “I didn’t mean to imply otherwise.”

“So, I’ll do it?” he asks. “No big deal?”

“No big deal,” I repeat, my skin still on fire. “You can do it.”

“And you’ll see me naked for the first time.”

“And… I’ll see you naked for the first time.”

He nods. “All right, then. I’ll email her.”

Again, I look down. “You know, or…”


“Well…” I bite my lips. “The class isn’t until Thursday.”

“That’s correct.”

“There’s a few days until then, so…” I say slowly, “if you wanted to show me… you know, before…”


I snap my head up. “Yeah?”

Drew smiles, amused. “Would you like to see me naked?” he asks.


Strong and casual.


Freaking the fuck out.

“Sure,” I squeak.

“Sure?” he repeats.

“I’ve tried it already.”

“You’ve tried it?”

“I mean, I’ve felt it.”

He smirks. “You’ve felt it?”

“I mean…” I stutter. “We’ve made out. A lot.”

“Yes, we have.”

“So, I have some idea as to the general... shape of… your penis.”

“It’s penis-shaped,” he says with a nod.

“So… I might as well see it, too, right?”

Drew keeps his eyes on me, his gaze as firm and comforting as his arms. “I’ll show you mine, Heidi,” he says. “If you show me yours.”

I surprise myself with a smile. A few weeks ago, this quid pro quo would have scared me. Maybe even offended me. But tonight, after weeks of immersing ourselves in each other...

I kiss him. He touches my cheek, sparking a wave of calm down my spine.

“Is that a yes?” he whispers.

I slowly push up and straddle his waist. His hands come to rest on my hips, fingers digging firmly into my skin.

“Yeah,” I say, leaning in. “It’s a yes.”

We kiss again, and his arms wrap around me. I cup his face. I comb my fingers through his hair. I part my lips for his until I’m completely breathless.

I reach down and drag his shirt up over his head. He raises his arms, letting me undress him, then they’re right back on me, feeling up

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