On His Face - Tabatha Kiss Page 0,31

releasing my hands. “Bye, Heidi.”

I nod, my smile permanently digging in. “Bye, Drew.”

Drew steps out onto the porch and closes the door behind him. I wander to the window and watch as he hops down to the grass and walks to his car. He acts normal and cool, not at all like someone who just kissed his best friend’s little sister and left a promise on her lips for more.

I back away from the window, eager to strip off my bathing suit and climb into my warm bed. I stop by the bathroom to shower and rinse off before throwing on a tank top and shorts.

My phone chimes by the bed. I reach for it, my heart skipping as I find a new message from Drew with an image attached.

It’s a photo of his hand.

PRACTICE, he says.

I bury my head in my pillow to smother a giggle.

An actual fucking giggle.

Who even am I anymore?

Chapter 18


The entrance bell chimes. A couple walks inside holding hands. That’s sweet.

But where’s Heidi?

I check my phone again for the time. She’s only five minutes late, I tell myself. There could be myriad reasons for that; parking and traffic easily topping the list.

She changed her mind.

No, shut up.

She ran to Seth. Told him everything.

Stop it.

He’s on his way here now to kill you.

The entrance bell chimes. I flinch.

Just a blonde with a giant purse.

I chug my hot coffee, desperately trying to shake off the image of Seth holding me under the water until the final bubble pops.

Her coffee sits on the table, waiting. Iced vanilla latte, she told me via text. See you soon.

The entrance bell chimes again. I almost don’t even look this time.

It’s a girl, similarly petite. She wears thick sunglasses and a sweater with a raised hood, strands of brownish-black hair poking out.

I nearly glance away, but she looks directly at me.


She slinks around the tables and quickly lowers herself into the booth across from me.

“Hi,” she whispers.

“Hey, Heidi,” I say at normal volume. “What are you doing?”

She shrugs. “Meeting you for coffee.”

“Why are you wearing that?”

“I’m incognito!”

I chuckle. “Why?”

“I don’t know. Just thought it was necessary given the circumstances.”

“Well, I admire the effort, but I chose this Yummy Bean location for a reason. It’s far from campus,” I point out. “You can take the hood off… unless you want people to think you’re selling me meth.”

Heidi hesitates, briefly glancing once over both shoulders before finally yanking the hood down. “We’re good?” she asks as she fixes her hair.

“We’re good.”

“You sure?”

“Yes,” I say with a laugh.

She relaxes and eyes the untouched coffee in front of her. “This for me?”

“That’s for you,” I say.

“Thank you,” she says as she takes a sip from the straw. “I owe you one.”

“Don’t mention it.”

I take a drink from my coffee, enjoying the quiet moment with her. Just the two of us surrounded by strangers who don’t give a shit who her brother is or how much trouble we’d be in if the wrong person caught us here. It’s nice, pleasant, and utterly addicting. If I’m not careful, I could get used to this.

I could get addicted to Heidi Newbury.

After a moment, Heidi clears her throat. “So,” she says, “you kissed me again this morning.”

I smile. “You kissed me back this morning.”

“I did. That’s true.”

“And how do you feel about that now that you’ve had the chance to sleep on it?” I ask.

She inhales sharply, but doesn’t answer. “How do you feel about it?” she counters.

I look at her kissable lips. “Better than ever.”

She turns her head, blushing. “You’ve got to stop doing that,” she says.

“Doing what?”

“Saying the cutest things. You’re like a character on a CW show.”

I laugh. “I’ve had a lot of practice.”

“Practice with girls?”

“Sure, and navigating awkward social situations. Being cute is merely a defense mechanism.”

“Defense from what?”

“Inquisitive women.”

“Sorry,” she says, smiling. “It’s a defense mechanism.”

“Defense from what?” I ask, cocking my head.

“Everything. The more you know and all that.”

“You sure you’re not just stalling so you don’t have to answer the question?”

She opens her mouth, then promptly closes it again as she glances around the cafe. “I feel overwhelmed,” she answers.

I pause. Not the answer I expected. “How so?” I ask.

“A week ago, the most I had to worry about was making rent,” she says. “Getting my homework done. Making sure Jenna was fed and watered.”

I chuckle.

“But now… there’s an insanely hot guy sitting in front of me who wants to kiss me and all I can think is, why me?” She presses her

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