On His Face - Tabatha Kiss Page 0,104

voice playful as always.

“Yes,” I answer as I sniff the air. “I thought we were going to dinner.”

“We are,” he says. “There’s still plenty of time.”

I squint, doubtful. “There is?”

“Yeah, I’ve got something to show you first.”


He steps out. I wait on pins and needles for him to circle the car and let me out, too.

“Watch your head,” he says as he takes my hand and gently leads me.

I take a few cautionary steps forward with Drew’s hand on my hip. He weaves us through the parked cars on the lot, purposefully bouncing me around. I laugh, used to his playfulness.

The concrete becomes wood and Drew holds me back.

“Step down,” he warns, taking it slow.

I laugh as I follow his instruction. “Is the blindfold really necessary?” I ask. “I know where we are...”

“No,” he says, “it’s just fun.”

“In these shoes? I beg to differ...”

Drew scoops me up off the dock, easily cradling me in his arms as if I weighed nothing at all. I screech in surprise and wrap my arms around his neck as my stomach churns from the sudden shift.

“Better?” he asks as he walks us further.

I latch on tighter. “Don’t drop me!”

“I’m not going to drop you.”

“You have before!”

“Oh, that was on purpose.”

“Ha!” I say as he laughs. “I knew it!”

Drew stops and carefully sets me down. I find my balance and stand on my own, but he keeps a cautionary hand on my side. “Okay, we’re here,” he says, stepping behind me.

He removes the blindfold. I blink quickly to adjust to the change in lighting as I look up at the boat. The Golden Rose looks the same as it always does. Long and white. Glistening with strings of lights tied up along the railing.

I smile. “Well, this looks familiar.”

Drew wraps his arms around my waist from behind and kisses my neck. “All aboard,” he whispers in my ear.

My heart pounds as light shivers take over my spine. “What about dinner?” I ask again.

He doesn’t answer. He takes my hand and walks me onto the yacht. We walk upward onto the deck; the floor covered with a layer of rose petals. I admire it as Drew releases my hand and leaves me standing among the petals and lights as he detaches us from the dock and takes the helm.

I squint, suspicious, but... okay with it. “Are you sure we have time for this?” I ask him one last time.

Drew just smiles as he starts the boat.

I take a seat and enjoy the view as he drives us out of the marina and onto the lake. My mind floods with memories of the last few years. How many of the best nights of my young life have started just like this one? How many times has Drew spirited me away, either by boat or plane or train? By boat is, by far, my favorite.

Happy Birthday to me.

Drew stops the boat and heads up front to set the anchor. I lean against the railing on the starboard side, filling my lungs with fresh air. It’s a chilly night, but my adrenaline does its job and keeps me nice and warm as I stare back at the bright city across the water.

After a few minutes, Drew joins me. He pushes my hair over my right shoulder to give the other soft, tempting kisses above my butterfly tattoo. Each peck sends a flurry of heat across my skin. His arm wraps loosely around my waist, firmly pulling my body flush with his as his kisses climb to my neck. I twist my head back and we meet in an even deeper kiss that I feel throughout my entire body.

“I could ravage you right here,” he whispers, his playful touch climbing to my breasts.

“What’s stopping you?” I ask, so full of heat already.

Honestly, we’ve fucked so many times on this boat, I get wet just boarding it.

Drew smiles, his lips gliding softly down my neck. “Remember the first time I brought you out here?”

I hum. “How could I forget?”

He turns me around to face him and walks us back away from the rail. I stay close, always at home in his embrace. We sway to the music of absolutely nothing; a dance as unforgettable as the first time we danced here together. He guides me with a single hand, giving me a slow spin, and I fall right back in his arms. I laugh, not caring about the time anymore. I’m right where I’m supposed to be.

Drew kisses me once. “Remember

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