Hindsight (Kendra Michaels #7) - Iris Johansen Page 0,96

at that factory, so he must have lost some of the skills he had at Cambridge. It’s intriguing that he’s fascinated by guns now. They aren’t nearly as satisfying. Maybe he got lazy.”

“Or maybe his true nature came out and there wasn’t anything sportsmanlike about him,” Kendra said bluntly. “He’s just another murderer.”

“No, I believe he might be much more.” Jessie turned on the shower and tested the water. “At any rate, I can’t wait to renew my acquaintance with him.”

* * *

Kendra and Jessie arrived at Olivia’s condo ten minutes earlier than Olivia’s schedule for Jessie had demanded, and it was Lynch who opened the door. His gaze raked Kendra’s face; he nodded approvingly. “A few dark circles and your color isn’t the greatest, but not bad on the whole. How do you feel?”

“Like I’m tired of answering that question.” Kendra came into the condo and carefully knelt to pet Harley. “There’s something vaguely humiliating about being taken down by a sewer system anyway. It’s even worse being treated as if I’d gone through a major catastrophe. I’m fine.”

“My apologies,” Lynch said solemnly. “I can see you’re at least well enough to be bad-tempered. May I remind you that there were bullets involved in your attack by the killer sewer system, so it’s not quite as humiliating as you’re making out?” He handed a hypodermic case to Jessie. “She shouldn’t have a narcotic, but this medication should help her get through the day, Jessie. I was going to give it to her, but I believe I’ll yield that duty to you. A shot in the butt certainly won’t make her any more pleased with me. I’ll go help Olivia make coffee.”

“I don’t need you,” Olivia said as she came out of the kitchen. “Did Lynch take good care of you, Kendra?”

“Not bad.” She looked up from stroking Harley and met Lynch’s eyes. All the colors and shadings of last night’s events were suddenly flowing back to her. “No, he took great care of me,” she said quietly. “I couldn’t have asked anything more.”

“Amazing,” Olivia said. “Then I guess I’ll give him breakfast.”

“I’m humbly grateful,” Lynch said.

“You should be.” Kendra looked quickly away from him and down at Harley. “Olivia, Harley didn’t bark once when I came in just now.”

“Of course he didn’t. He knew there was something wrong with you,” Olivia said. “He realizes that his bark is disturbing, but it’s what dogs do. It’s natural. But his trainer said he was a born service dog. He senses everything. He wants to give everything. So he’s giving you his silence. And you’ll find when you sit down at the breakfast table, he’ll sit beside you and not with me as he usually does.”

“That’s kind of wonderful,” Kendra said softly.

“You bet it is,” Olivia said fiercely. “And yet slimeballs like Hayes and Dietrich targeted him? Why?”

“We don’t know yet. We assume Hayes took the photo but we’re not sure about that, either. Metcalf will check it for fingerprints.” She started to get up and found Lynch beside her, helping her to her feet. “Thank you. It was easier going down than getting up.”

“It happens that way sometimes.” He gave her a little push toward Jessie. “Your shot. Either go in the bathroom or bare your butt here.” He turned away and headed toward the kitchen table. “While I keep Olivia entertained by telling her how all the forensics experts were holding their noses to keep from breathing our stink at the crime scene yesterday.”

* * *

“You’re very quiet.” Lynch glanced at Kendra as soon as he got on the highway. “Don’t tell me that shot didn’t work. I’m an expert at pain management in all forms.”

“You’ve had enough practice,” Kendra said dryly. “All I have to do is look at all your scars to see your credentials. No, that extremely illegal shot worked fine. Only enough ache to remind me to be careful.”

“Then why are you so quiet?”

She ignored the question. “Was it illegal? You didn’t answer. You said it wasn’t a narcotic.”

“It wasn’t precisely illegal. It’s an experimental medication from China that Beijing is trying to keep a lid on until they can situate themselves to gain dominance in the world market. No more adverse effects than a few Tylenol. They’re going to make a bundle. But it depends on the country you’re in at the time, or the organization you’re working for when you dispense it.” He smiled. “But it’s safe, and I’ve used it many times before.

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