Hindsight (Kendra Michaels #7) - Iris Johansen Page 0,54


“That’s bullshit. You don’t belong to anyone,” she said. It was scaring the hell out of her to realize he’d made that trip into Taliban country and probably would never tell her why. She had to admit it was almost a relief to know that he was here and she’d know what was happening to him. “But at least I can count on you being around for a while and not flying off somewhere again.” She turned to go back into her bedroom. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Lynch.”

“Yes, you will. Say hello to Olivia and Jessie for me.”

He was gone.

She stopped and took a deep breath as the door closed behind him. It was foolish to let him shake her like this. Hold on to the anger and the disappointment that was rapidly slipping away. At the end of that conversation she had only been aware of the fact that she had never had a greater friend and partner nor a more exciting lover. The rest had seemed unimportant and of course it was not. There was dignity and self-worth and not ever being taken for granted.

And dammit, there was Lynch not letting her be with him in that valley when he’d risked his life with those Taliban.

* * *

Kendra’s phone rang at seven forty-five the next morning.

“Come down to the parking garage,” Lynch said when she picked up his call. “The parking attendant is giving me a hard time about my car and I need you to smooth him down.”

“Since when do you ever need help smoothing anyone down?” Kendra asked incredulously. “You wrote the book on diplomacy.”

“Don’t argue. The guy is nuts about Lamborghinis. He says the guest space is too close to the exit and he wants you to move your Toyota so that there won’t be danger of anyone hitting my loaner and damaging it.”

“What? And what about my humble Toyota? I just got it back from the FBI shop.”

“It will be quicker if you just come down and ask him that. You’re the condo owner.”

He was right, Kendra thought crossly. But it was an irritation she didn’t need this morning when she was nervous about working with Lynch anyway. “I’ll be right down.” She caught sight of Harley sitting by the front door with his leash in his mouth. “Right after I get rid of him.”

“Him?” Lynch repeated.

She didn’t answer and quickly hung up the phone. “Come on, Harley.” She quickly leashed him and opened the front door. “I’m not about to leave you to start howling. I’ll drop you off with Olivia.” She ran down the stairs, pushed Harley in the door at Olivia’s condo, and took the elevator to the parking garage. All this trouble and she hadn’t even seen Lynch yet this morning. Why would a car be so blasted disruptive?

Then the elevator doors opened and she saw the Lamborghini Aventador.

Sleek red brilliance that almost lit up the entire garage. The lines were magnificently crafted and totally stunning. She could feel her jaw go slack at the sheer breathtaking beauty of the car.

“There you are.” Lynch pulled her out of the elevator and led her over to a uniformed attendant. “I’ve told Herb here that I won’t hold him responsible if the Lamborghini gets a scratch or two but he still wants permission to move it to your spot when we take the Toyota out. He appears to be a bit nervous.”

“A scratch would be sacrilege,” Herb murmured, his hand reverently caressing the hood. “I’ve never seen a car like this.”

“Neither have I,” Kendra said. “I thought that Ferrari you had before was dazzling, but this is spectacular. Is this going to be the next Lynch incarnation?”

“I haven’t decided. I just picked it up as a loaner after I left you last night. Do you like it?”

“I might, if it came with sunshades.”

“It’s fantastic,” Herb protested.

Lynch was gazing at it critically. “It might be a little too attention getting. But he’s right, the lines are splendid.”

“I can see you’re beginning to fall in love,” Kendra said. “And why should it matter if it attracts attention? The Ferrari that went to car heaven was every man’s dream car.”

“Maybe I don’t want to appear not to be in mourning,” Lynch said with a sigh. “Out of respect, I’ll take my time about replacing her.” He added, “And the Lamborghini did get a little bit too much scrutiny this morning. That may not be a good thing considering that we’re on the job and have

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