Hindsight (Kendra Michaels #7) - Iris Johansen Page 0,51

the good and not the problems until you can solve them.” She smiled. “Then we’d better go soon before I try to become a permanent resident here. I could get used to this.”

* * *

Bill had been so quick that when Kendra got back to the condo, she still had time for a leisurely shower before she went down to Olivia’s for dinner. The shower took almost forty-five minutes, and then she spent another forty minutes washing and blow-drying her hair. It shouldn’t have taken her that long, but she found herself lingering because it was blissfully peaceful compared with what she usually had to endure in the morning when Harley was impatient to get down to Olivia.

But she’d rather face Harley than keep Olivia waiting after she’d taken the trouble to make dinner. She could be far more intimidating. Kendra quickly slipped on her robe and then headed for her bedroom to dress.

“It took you long enough. Though I admit I’ve been enjoying the scent of that lemon shower gel. It seems as if it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to smell it.”


She froze, her gaze flying to the half-open door leading to the living room. The door she knew she’d closed when she’d gone into the bathroom. She strode quickly to the door and threw it wide.

Lynch was sitting on the couch drinking a beer. He was dressed in what looked like army gear. A khaki shirt open to reveal his white T-shirt. Khaki jeans and desert boots that were rough and stained. “Hello, Kendra.” His smile deepened, and immediately that military look took on charisma. “You’re looking well. I do approve of that tousled look.”

She instinctively reached up to touch her mussed hair. “I was drying it.” But she could tell by that mischievous movie-star grin that he knew that. He’d probably been sitting here listening to the dryer and drinking his beer while she was naked and thought she was alone. The picture it brought to mind was…intimate. It automatically put her at a disadvantage. Which, of course, was exactly what he’d intended. “What the hell are you doing here? How did you get in?”

“Why, I used my key. I knew you wouldn’t like it since you only gave it to me because there was a serial killer after you at the time and it was the practical thing to do. Actually, I was thinking about going over the rooftop of the condo next door and then coming in that way. But I was tired. It was a very long flight and I didn’t sleep because I was working the entire trip.” He smiled. “So I was pleasantly surprised you hadn’t changed the locks.”

“I didn’t think I’d have to,” she said bluntly. “Not if you knew I didn’t want you to use that key. Which I most certainly did not. Now, what are you doing here?”

“Having a beer.” He got to his feet and moved over to the bar. “And starting on number two. I’ll get you a glass of wine. You wouldn’t want me to drink alone.” He poured her a glass of Merlot and brought it to her. He took a long sniff as he handed it to her. “You smell even better close up.” He wrinkled his nose. “I’m sorry I can’t say the same. I went straight from Tangi Valley to the jet, and then I came straight here when I landed.” He looked down at her terry robe. “Your belt’s coming untied. I probably startled you when you came out of the bathroom.” He reached down and slowly tightened it. “Pity. I hate to let an opportunity like that pass. But in your present mood you’d probably blame me if it came open. Right?”

“It would be your fault,” she said coolly, trying to ignore the warmth of his fingers through the material. “As you said, you startled me and you shouldn’t have been here. You weren’t invited, Lynch.” She gazed impatiently at her wine and then put the glass on the occasional table next to her. “And I don’t give a damn if you drink alone. I just want to know why you’re here. Just tell me and then get out.”

“Rude. Very rude.” He strolled back to the couch and sat down. “I was hoping to have the time to let you get over the fact that I’m not exactly your favorite person these days.”

She made a crude sound.

He chuckled. “Exactly. It wasn’t going to happen.” His smile

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