Hindsight (Kendra Michaels #7) - Iris Johansen Page 0,34

the other night.”

Kendra stood. “I was afraid I missed something.”

“I don’t think much gets past you,” she said dryly. “It was true when you were a student here and it’s even more true now.”

“In any case, I haven’t found anything else.”

“Maybe you don’t need to. Did they get DNA off that bloody post?”

“I haven’t heard anything yet. I’ll check in after I leave here.”


Kendra joined her on the steps. “The parking lot was full. I take it you still haven’t canceled classes.”

“No. Half the students still haven’t come back, but the families of our resident students live hundreds and even thousands of miles from here. Twenty-six come from Europe, and eight are from Australia. It’s difficult for them to just swing by and whisk their kids away, though I certainly don’t blame the ones who did. We’ve increased security, which is how I knew you were out here. I’m afraid your Uber driver got a grilling before he was able to leave campus.”

“Great.” Kendra smiled. “There goes my customer rating.”

“Desperate times. The sooner you can solve this, the better.”

“No pressure or anything.”

“There’s plenty of pressure to go around, believe me. Maxine Rydell will be here later in the week.”

“What?” Kendra’s eyes widened as her head swiveled to look at her. “She’s coming here?”

“For the first time in over five years.”

Kendra let that sink in for a moment. Maxine Rydell was one of the world’s wealthiest women, her fortune made by her great-grandfather’s oil holdings in California’s Central Valley. Her financial support was key to the Woodward Academy’s continued operation and success.

“She lives in Switzerland, doesn’t she?” Kendra said.

“She does. She rarely leaves Europe, though we talk on the phone almost every week. I guess this warranted a special trip on her private jet. She’s disturbed by the events of the past few days. As we all are.” She grimaced. “She says she wants to discuss the future of the academy.”

“What does she mean by that?”

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

That answer was too noncommittal. Kendra felt fear rush through her. “She’s not withdrawing her support, is she? Has she said anything?”

Allison pulled her long sweater around her as the ocean breeze blew harder. “No, she’s not said anything other than she’s giving all solutions a good deal of thought.” She smiled bitterly. “Does she think I’m not? But how can I fight against what happened here?” She straightened and lifted her chin. “Maybe it will be fine. We’ll know soon enough. In the meantime, we’ll navigate this crisis as best we can. Just as we have since Woodward Academy was founded.” She turned to face Kendra. “Is there anything I can do to help you?”

“I’d like to see Elaine Wessler’s office.”

“It’s on the second floor of the Brockmire Building. I’ll call the custodian and send him over there. He’ll unlock it for you.”

“Thank you.” Kendra thought for a moment. “You said Elaine had no special contact with Ronald Kim. Was she close to anyone here? Who knew her best?”

“I don’t know if they were especially close, but Elaine did occasionally eat lunch with another teacher here. Layla Shaw.”

Kendra frowned. “I don’t know her.”

“She’s only been here for about five years. She’s a PE instructor, very good with the students. If Elaine had a friend here, it was probably Layla.”

“Can I talk to her?”

Allison checked her watch. “She has a class at the pool now. You can find her there.”

“Good. Thank you.”

Allison hesitated, then spoke in a guarded tone. “I have to warn you about something.”

Kendra’s brows rose. “That sounds ominous.”

“It isn’t, really. It’s just…Layla Shaw is not your biggest fan.”

Kendra looked at her in bewilderment. “I just told you, we’ve never met.”

“I know. But everyone here knows you and your story. Our students have always been inspired by you.”

“But not Layla Shaw.”

She shrugged. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“The hell you shouldn’t. Does she have some kind of problem with me?”

Allison motioned up the narrow stairway. “I should get back to my office. I have a few calls to make before my meeting.”

“Come on. You’re the one who brought it up.”

“It’s nothing you need to be concerned with. I’m sure she’ll help you any way she can as far as Elaine is concerned.” Allison turned and quickly made her way up the stairs. “Let me know if you need anything.”


But she was gone.

What the hell…?

Kendra shook her head, trying to make sense of the bizarre end to her conversation with Allison. She’d never known her to have much of a

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