Hindsight (Kendra Michaels #7) - Iris Johansen Page 0,111

it. We’ll take care of optics later.”

She watched him walk down the hall before she went into the library and closed the door. It was empty as he’d thought it would be. School had been declared officially canceled this morning at nine, and there wouldn’t be any children permitted in the library or other outbuildings until classes resumed. She put her handbag and Allison’s books down on a table before going over to the shelves and starting to look for the reference books she needed. There was an entire row of books concerning the purchase and renovations to the school and grounds of Woodward Academy over the years. More than seventy years, Allison had said. A huge task, indeed…

Stop standing here being overwhelmed, she told herself impatiently.

Get to work.




3:30 P.M.

An uproar!

Kendra lifted her gaze in alarm from the book she was reading.

Then she drew a deep breath and relaxed.

It was a familiar uproar.

The library door opened and Harley burst through it and tore across the room toward her, dragging his leash behind him. He was howling and growling and looking very happy to see her.

“Shh.” She started stroking him as she gazed beyond him to where Olivia was standing in the doorway. “What are you doing here?”

“At the moment, trying to get Harley away from those kids in the driveway before he makes Allison’s job harder.” Olivia came toward her. “They didn’t understand as Ariel did that all he wanted to do was love them, but then Ariel is fairly unique.”

“What else are you doing here?” Kendra asked. “When I called you this morning, I told you they were closing down the school.”

“You also told me that scum might still be here causing trouble, and you and Lynch were going to try to find him. By the way, I heard the FBI team and the tracking dogs up on the cliff when my Lyft dropped us off. It nearly drove Harley crazy. He wanted to run up there to play with them. His trainer was right, he doesn’t grasp the hunt-and-attack concept.” She reached out for one of the Braille books on the table in front of Kendra and sniffed. “This one smells very old.” Her fingers traced the date. “Only twenty-two years. Was it of value to you?”

“No.” She paused. “Olivia?”

“I’m here to help you,” she said simply. “I’ve let you push me into the background and been very frustrated. Handicap isn’t just a word, it’s a reality, and I had to accept it. But I can use that handicap to help you go through this mountain of books. I’m smart enough that you’ll trust me to catch anything in them that might help us get Dietrich. It will cut your time in half, maybe more.” She smiled. “Because I might even be a little smarter than you. Ask Ariel.”

“I don’t have to ask her. But I don’t want you here, Olivia.”

“Tough. You sound like Lynch. And it annoys me as much as it would you.” She went around the table and settled in a chair. “Now, what you’re looking for is a hiding place for drugs or similar valuables on the property? And you also want to know how Dietrich is playing Houdini and managing to move around the school without anyone noticing him? Also anomalies and things that seem odd or out of place.”

“Piece of cake?”

“No, but not impossible, if we work hard enough. Suppose you feed me those books to read in the order you believe to be most promising.”

Kendra sighed and pushed a book toward her. There would obviously be no budging her. “Well, at least you brought Harley to protect you.”

“No, I brought him because this is where he should be right now. I would have preferred not to bring him. I’d like to keep on protecting him.” She opened the book. “But someone wanted to hurt him, too, and he lost Elaine just as we did. If we have a chance of catching the man who did it, he should have a part of it.” She added, “And I believe that you think we’re getting very close.”

“I could be wrong. There’s nothing solid.”

“Of course you could. But we’ll think positive, won’t we?” She frowned and closed her book. “But speaking of Harley, I’d better take him for his walk before I get settled in. Do you want to come with us?”

“No,” Kendra said as she went back to her book. “But be sure to have the FBI agent out front go with

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