The Highlander's Destiny (Highland Rogues #2) - Mary Wine Page 0,76

the priest turn red.

“Cora Mackenzie, ye are overproud,” the older one proclaimed.

Cora remained in her reverence. The priest grunted.

“Yet, ye are a dutiful mistress for shielding yer maid and Head-of-House.”

There was another muter of approval from the crowd. Pain was prickling along each stripe the whip had left across her back.

“But pride is the enemy of harmony in a marriage. A wife must submit to her husband’s authority.” The priest drew in a deep breath. “Ye will be barefoot for the next week to teach ye humility.”

Cora rose. By doing so, she accepted the punishment.

Well, it’s hardly the first time…

The priests on Mackenzie land had done their best to get a bridle on her. Cora sat right down on the steps of the punishment platform and pulled her shoes off. A quick tug on her garters and Brynna and Orla were able to pull her stockings off. She felt the cold immediately but stood up and walked right across the stones to the hall.

Her husband was out cold.

Gainor offered her a helpless look as he and Yestin stood near the table where Faolan’s head was resting on the worn top. There was a red spot on his jaw, marking where someone had hit him. But he wouldn’t remain that way for long. A moment later, he was stirring. The McKays had begun to file back into the hall.




Cora blinked as a steady stream of greetings came her way. The McKay Retainers reached up to tug on the corners of their caps when they passed her.

Astonishment went through her. What it left behind was a sense of purpose. One she knew without a doubt she’d earned.

Nothing had ever felt better.

“It seems ye’ve managed to carve out yer place, Cora.”

Faolan was on his feet. Cora turned her head to catch the glint in his blue eyes.

He was furious.

But Faolan held up a finger. “We’ll talk in just a wee bit. I have another matter to attend to first.”

Her husband turned. She watched Faolan send a glare toward his captains before he climbed right up onto the table he’d been passed out on.

“Where are ye?” Faolan called out.

The McKay Retainers turned to look at him.

“Where is the bastard who dared to touch my woman?”

There was a collective intake of breath among the men watching. Orla snapped her fingers at the maids who had begun to serve the morning meal. They hurried back through the passageway that led to the kitchen.

“Mistress, ye must come away,” Brynna urged her.

“Ye will not start a fight, Faolan.” Cora reached for the end of his kilt.

But Orla caught her wrist. “Brynna is correct. Ye will be coming away now. The men have their business to attend to.”

Brynna had frozen, staring wide-eyed at Orla. Cora suffered from the same surprise, but Faolan interrupted.

“Get into the kitchen, Cora, or I’ll have ye taken there,” Faolan ordered her.

Cora felt her temper flare.

But her memory was quick to offer up the times he’d tossed her right over his shoulder when he was intent on getting his way.

“Come away, Mistress,” Orla told her firmly.

“Where are ye?” Faolan demanded once more. “Are ye going to make me hunt ye down like a damned rodent? I’ll pull ye out of whatever burrow ye try to hide in!”

The assembled Retainers made an approving sound. It was half growl, half cheer.

And very male.

“Ye will not fight over me,” Cora protested.

But several of the women came up from where they were watching from the safety of the opening into the great hall. They encircled Cora and carried her back with them.

“I will know his name!” Faolan was still waiting. “Every McKay suffers when we do nae remember that a complaint against one of us is a complaint against us all. We are only as strong as our bond to one another.

A cheer filled the hall.

Faolan looked around at his men. “I’ve no tolerance for scheming. There will be a court held every other Friday, if you have a case to be heard. I may not be polished, but I swear I will die before I shame the name of McKay.”

The hall filled with the sound of men pounding on the tabletops in approval.

There was a scuffle as a man was pushed forward. The Retainers formed a wall behind him. Faolan faced him.

“So…ye are the one.”

Faolan jumped off the table. There was a shift as tables and chairs were pulled aside to afford Faolan a place to face off with the man.

He spit on the floor. “Aye. I’m Bayrd, Copyright 2016 - 2024