The Highlander's Destiny (Highland Rogues #2) - Mary Wine Page 0,39

there was music playing, and she just couldn’t ignore the tempo. She needed to move in time with the rhythm. So she moved her mouth, mimicking the motions as she kissed him back.

“Well, now, it appears our couple is well suited,” Noreen said.

There was a round of cheers from the McKays. Noreen clapped her hands. “A toast and then off to the bridal chamber.”

The Head-of-House came forward with a silver tray in her hands. Two goblets were already half-filled. The tray was gleaming from a quick polish, and the scent of fine French wine tickled Cora’s nose. Faolan took both of the goblets and offered one to her.

She downed it too quickly.

Cora felt her belly heave when the strong brew hit it. She clamped her mouth shut as Faolan lowered his own goblet just as fast. There was a flash of something in his eyes that she couldn’t quite identify.

Whatever it was, Noreen grabbed Cora by the wrist and tugged her away before Cora had the chance to think. The older maids clustered around Cora. They urged her down the length of the great hall and into the passageway with muffled sounds of amusement. It might be her first wedding, but Cora had seen a bride or two whisked away by her brother’s household staff.

Now she was about to discover just what happened abovestairs.

The chamber Cora had been shown to was now lightly scented with rosemary. She caught a hint of it wafting through the air as the women surrounded her and made short work of disrobing her.

“Enough,” Cora grumbled as she hugged herself in the hope of keeping her smock.

“Not just yet,” Noreen purred as she snapped her fingers and pointed at Cora’s hair. “Men enjoy flowing hair.”

There was another round of husky laughter.

Someone began plucking the pins from her hair. It became heavy and then sagged down to cover her neck. A few more tugs and the last pins released the copper strands completely.

“Nature was overly kind to ye,” one of the women muttered enviously. “Such fire in yer hair.”

Would Faolan like it?

Cora found herself absorbed with the idea.

She’d enjoyed his kiss.

A great deal.

Her cheeks heated as she admitted it to herself, but this time, it wasn’t shame that caused the blush. Faolan was her husband. It wasn’t forbidden to like him or his touch.

“I see ye’ve come to terms with yer circumstances.”

Cora blinked and returned her attention to the people in the room. The matrons had filed out of the chamber after someone finished combing Cora’s hair. Noreen stood in the doorway as the steps of her staff disappeared into the distance.

“Faolan is a fine groom to welcome into yer bed.”

There was a touch of anger in Noreen’s voice. The moment when Malcolm and Faolan had been fighting in her chamber rose from Cora’s memory.

“Tell him to leave, lass. That ye prefer me.” Malcolm shifted his attention to Faolan. “It won’t be the first time I’ve taken yer woman, will it now?”

“I told Malcolm no,” Cora defended herself.

Noreen’s lips pressed into a hard line. “And yet….it doesn’t really matter what ye told him, Cora dear.” The mistress of the McKay ventured closer, her eyes glittering with temper. “Malcolm is laird here. He can take what he pleases. Why do ye think I chose him over Faolan?”

“Ye chose position,” Cora stated the obvious.

“I did.” Noreen suddenly smiled as she swept Cora from head to toe. “I’ve saved ye from the fate of being a mistress. As laird, Malcolm will have the lion’s share. Do nae forget ye owe me a favor.”

There was a hard warning in Noreen’s tone. She slapped Cora lightly on the cheek.

There was a noise behind them. Some of the McKay men were escorting the groom abovestairs. They were loud and jovial, their voices raised in scarlet suggestions for the wedding couple.

Noreen flattened herself against the wall as they made it to the top of the stairs. Faolan surged into the chamber, turning to warn them away. Gainor took to baring the door with his thick frame.

“Enough, lads!” Gainor declared. “The night is short enough now. Let the happy couple enjoy what is left of the darkness.”

“There is more ale below,” Noreen sweetened the deal. “I have ordered it set out in celebration of the laird’s brother’s wedding. Drink until it’s time to come for the sheets!”

The McKay men roared with approval before turning and reversing their course. Noreen claimed Gainor as her personal escort on her way through the doorway. Faolan’s captain had little Copyright 2016 - 2024