The Highlander's Destiny (Highland Rogues #2) - Mary Wine Page 0,36

I am still a virgin.” Cora had to force the words through her stiff lips. Such an exam was something she’d almost die rather than endure.

Almost, that was. Faolan deserved better from her, and she’d give it to him no matter the indignities necessary.

Noreen started to respond, but Faolan interrupted her.

“Yer brother would only accuse the poor woman of telling her laird what he wanted to hear,” Faolan spoke through gritted teeth. “Her word would be useless in the Mackenzie great hall.”

Cora turned and locked gazes with Faolan. Rage was flickering in his blue eyes, but there was something else. Resolve. He’d thought it through and was feeling as trapped as she was. What chilled her blood was the fact that his jaw remained clenched, proving he hadn’t found any way of changing the course of the events sweeping them both along.

“I have a betrothed,” Cora used the last thing she’d ever thought to utilize for her advantage.

“Well, now,” Malcolm began. “Perhaps the lass is bringing up a valid point for us to put this matter aside for a wee bit.”

“Wait, so the Grants and the Mackenzies have a reason to combine their strength?” Noreen stubbornly argued.

“Cormac Grant will no’ be happy to see his bride stolen,” Malcolm informed his wife sternly. “Look at the lass. She’s a prize.”

“Aye,” Faolan spoke up. “My prize by right of the fact that I saved her life. I will wed her.”

Cora jerked her head around to Faolan once more. This time there was hard purpose on his face. His eyes glittered with determination as he looked her straight in the eyes.

“I will wed her right now.”

Chapter Five

“Here now.”

Brynna spoke the words. Cora looked up as the McKay girl held out a pair of stays.

“It will nae take too much time to bring the priest up from the church. Best we get ye dressed. Ye would no’ want to be wedding in yer shift?”

Cora felt like a doll. She was detached from herself as Brynna and two other maids helped to put a finer gown on her. Someone had poked up the fire, so it was blazing because the dress was one of Noreen’s and made of delicate silk. Although beautiful, it seemed as surreal as the rest of the evening’s events.

Getting married.

Was the moment truly upon her?

Her mind was gripped by a thick fog. She caught a glimpse of herself in a looking glass. Brynna was directing two maids through the process of dressing Cora. There were long stays. Carefully quilted, and when a lace was threaded through the eyelets down the back, the garment closed to make her waist tight and support her young breasts. Next came a padded hip roll and then a farthingale.

It took all three maids to lift the underskirt up into the air.

“Raise yer arms,” Brynna instructed her.

Once Cora complied, the skirt was lowered into place and secured with a tie at her waist. The front of it was embroidered with colorful silk thread and even beaded with pearls.

He’d marry her right now.

Faolan’s voice was bouncing around inside her head. He couldn’t possibly want to wed her, and yet, another glance in the polished looking glass showed her she was indeed being readied for her wedding.

The overdress was a fine shade of blue which went with her copper hair so well, no one would have suspected she hadn’t planned the gown for years. A first impression was important, considering her marriage had always been about the alliance first.

Well, that part hadn’t changed.

No, just the name of the groom.

Brynna finished everything up with little gold hairpins that glistened as Cora turned her head, and the light from the candles reflected off them.

“Ye are truly radiant, Mistress Cora,” Brynna sighed blissfully.

“I’ve never worn such finery in me life,” Cora admitted. She wanted to rub the silk between her fingers but decided it appeared so fragile, she didn’t dare risk damaging it.

“Yer groom will no’ be disappointed.”

Whether or not Brynna was correct was going to be tested very quickly. Cora only had another moment to ponder her reflection before there was a rap on the chamber door. Noreen came in a second later, no less than half a dozen maids at her back. They all had their faces set with stern expressions. Finding Cora dressed made them pause, two of them stumbling when the ones in front of them stopped.

“Thought ye’d have to dress me, Lady McKay?” Cora asked bluntly.

Noreen’s eyes widened at the audacity of the question. But her lips Copyright 2016 - 2024