The Highlander's Destiny (Highland Rogues #2) - Mary Wine Page 0,29

herself dealing with the unexpected urge, while Lady McKay took her through the passageways of the McKay stronghold.


“What did ye do with the girl?”

Noreen looked at the reflection of her husband behind her. She finished drawing her comb down the length of her hair before she answered him. She didn’t hurry, either. Malcolm McKay’s gaze went to where her fingers were holding the silken strands of her hair as she drew the comb slowly through them.


Noreen turned and smiled at her husband. Her dressing robe was open just the right amount to allow him a view of her cleavage above her stays. The edge of her smock was decorated with lace, and her efforts were not wasted. Malcolm’s eyes narrowed as he closed the distance between them, his gaze turning hungry while he eyed her breasts.

“I have her well in hand,” Noreen answered sweetly. “She is such a child still. I bathed her, fed her, and tucked her into bed without a quibble.”

Malcolm shifted his attention to her face. “Buchanan’s sister is worth a great deal.”

“In the right condition, yes.” Noreen agreed as she held up a single finger. “Maintaining appearances is the only thing of any real importance.”

Malcolm gave a short grunt. He reached up and laid his fingers on the swell of one of her breasts. “Ye are very skilled, madam. I forget how much so from time to time.”

Noreen leaned toward him as she placed her hand on his belly. “I would be happy to remind ye husband…of all my talents…”

Malcolm didn’t need any further baiting. He pulled his wife close, taking full advantage of her invitation.


Her husband snored.

Malcolm was on his back in the middle of her bed, his spent member laying in plain view.

Noreen might have been annoyed, except she needed Malcolm in her bed too much to be sour. There was an ache between her thighs, which made her smile because Malcolm had been infatuated with a buxom little maid for the better part of the last year. At long last, he was by her side once more.

After five years of marriage, all she had were two daughters. Malcolm had become cold toward her since the birth of their second child. So, she laid still on her back as the midwife had instructed her and didn’t let her mood darken over her husband’s lack of affection toward her.

He’d remained in her bed, so she would keep her thoughts focused on that fact, for it was the most important. He would wake soon, affording her another opportunity to entice him.

She needed a son, not her husband’s heart. Of course, when she’d been younger, she’d entertained ideas of falling in love. Such thoughts were folly, though, or at the very least, guaranteed to conflict with ambition. She might have only one—position or love. Let the maid have Malcolm McKay’s heart, for Noreen was the lady of the manor.

But her two daughters wouldn’t help Noreen keep the portion as mistress of the castle.

Malcolm began to stir. Noreen allowed the bedding to slip down to her waist. The snoring ceased as he woke. He propped himself up on the pillows and reached out to toy with her exposed nipples.

“Seeing Faolan reminds me of what needs doing,” Malcolm remarked.

He pinched one of her nipples. Noreen bit her lip. He was a heavy-handed man. Once she had two sons, she’d never entice him into her bed again. But for the moment, she’d endure his rough touch.

Malcolm chuckled and pinched her nipple again. “Ye are almost perfect, Noreen, but I see the distaste in yer eyes.”

He rolled over her and caught her chin, so their gazes were locked. “Shall I tell ye how much I enjoy knowing ye wed me instead of Faolan? I like knowing I took his woman.”

Malcolm’s cock was hardening again. His lips were twisted in a smile of enjoyment as he pressed her thighs wide.

But Noreen grasped his forearms to pull him to her. She lifted her hips so his cock nestled into the opening of her body.

“I have always welcomed ye in me bed,” she said in a low hiss. “Yet, ye have left me cold while sleeping with a maid.”

Malcolm grunted as he thrust into her. “Ye’re too delicate. Which is why ye’ve given me naught but daughters. I should have ye whipped for making sure me mistress does nae conceive.”

“I will give ye a son!” Noreen declared. “A high-born son! No maid can give ye a son to compare with the one I will Copyright 2016 - 2024