Highlander's Beautiful Liar A Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Historical Novel - Adamina Young Page 0,67

encouragingly. Her family had expanded, and she couldn’t be more happy about it.

“You have your answer,” she said primly. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to close this door and kiss my husband.”

They cheered, and she reddened, closed the door, and turned to do just that.

* * *

A year later

* * *

The wee lad screamed, his lungs even stronger than the day he was born, and even then, he threatened to crumble the stone walls with his wails. Alec plucked him up from his crib and cradled him carefully as he walked from the nursery. “Easy there, Son,” he crooned. “Ye know that ye will have everyone running when ye cry.”

It was true. Less than a month old, and absolutely everyone adored him. Today was a big day for him. The priest was there to baptize him, and the keep was bursting with people who would stand witness. King Edward. The Thistles. The Sinclairs. Even Mac Campbell, who was slowly becoming not just an ally, but a friend as well.

All of them eager to hold him if he even looked like he would shed a tear.

“Are you sure about this?” Cora asked him again as she joined him and curved a hand around his cheek.

“Aye,” he told her assuredly. “I have already spoken to the priest and to my brother. I have no doubts.”

“I love you, Alec Sinclair. Every day, my love only grows stronger.”

Leaning down, he captured his wife’s mouth and kissed her lovingly. “And I you.”

Together, they made their way down to the great hall. Normally, they would have the christening in the church, but there were too many people bearing witness that day. The chamber, cleared of tables and chairs, was filled from wall to wall for Alec did not deny any from the clan who wanted to witness. Those that could not fit in the room spilled into the hall and outside the keep awaiting the news.

A hush fell over as they made their way to the front, and Father Donnelly nodded his head and opened his arms for the child. Alec handed his son off.

“What name is given to this child?” Donnelly asked.

Alec looked up and faced the room. Every MacKay in this room, in the hall, standing outside, and working the fields in the land had sworn fealty to him, and in return, he’d sworn to lead and protect them. As each sank to their knees, he saw the question in their eyes even as they didn’t voice it out loud. They were MacKay but led by a Sinclair. What did that make them?

“This child is named Duncan Gregory Sinclair MacKay,” he said, his voice booming in the hall. Although there was no surprise on the faces of the King, his brother, and his friends, a gasp swept out. “Named for his two grandfathers, his father, and the blood of the land, for while I was christened a Sinclair, I am bound to the MacKays, and so my son shall bear the clan name.”

Tears filled Cora’s eyes, and the Father dipped his hand in the basin of water and marked Duncan’s forehead. “Duncan Gregory Sinclair MacKay, I baptize ye in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May ye grow and shine in His love, be protected by the spirits and ancestors of this land, and be always surrounded by the love of the witnesses in this chamber.”

A thunderous applause filled the room and Alec reached out to take his son, who was now wailing louder than the cheers. Leaning down, he kissed his son’s head and took his wife’s hand.

As with every Scottish event, a great feast and party followed. Seated at the table, rocking her son back and forth, Cora leaned against Alec, who wrapped a protective hand around her shoulders. It had only been three weeks since she’d given birth, and he would have liked to see her in bed, but although she looked tired, she assured him that she wanted to be a part of the celebration. Still, he did not ask her to dance, and he glared at anyone who looked like they might.

The babe got passed around to uncles, aunts, and friends. The Thistles had been there for two months, even Lana, to see Cora through the birth and help out. Lana had, according to her father, been a terror during the first season and not a single man dared asked to marry her. Privately, he told Alec he thought his daughter had

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