Highlander's Beautiful Liar A Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Historical Novel - Adamina Young Page 0,51

but the fury of seeing the barren fields overrode any pain. The little boy in front of him looked almost terrified. “’Tis alright,” Alec assured him as he knelt down in front of him. “This isnae yer fault. Just tell me what ye saw.”

“I was playing on the hill up there. My dada gave me a wood sword and told me if I got good ‘nuff, I could be part of yer guard. I am not good ‘nuff yet.”

Tousling the boy’s hair, he grinned. “Ye have some time to practice. Maybe I can have some of my men to work with ye. See what ye are made of.”

The fear disappeared, and the boy’s eyes brightened. “Aye?”

“Aye. So what happened while ye were practicing?”

“I saw three men in the fields. I thought they were working, but then I saw the flames. They didn’t shout an alarm or anything, so I ran to my dada to tell him. They were gone when we got there. My dada said brush fires happened, but I saw the men! I did!”

“I believe ye. Can ye tell me anything about the men?”

The boy shook his head solemnly. “Nay. I was too far away.”

“’Tis alright. Ye did well. Go to yer father now.” When the boy ran off, Alec straightened and clenched his jaw. If the boy was right, this happened just shortly after he and Cora had been attacked. It was almost as if someone knew they had failed and headed to the closest village to exact their revenge.

He didn’t have enough trained men to patrol all of the MacKay villages. Any one of them could be a target, and then it would seem like he couldn’t protect his people.

“Kane, I heard rumors that some of the original guard members left when Seth took over for his father. Do ye know roughly how many?”

“I would say about two dozen.”

“Do ye know where they are now?”

“Several took refuge on McNab’s lands. They may know the rest.”

“Less than a day’s ride?”

Kane nodded. “I can leave in the morn and be back in two days’ time.”

“Good. See how many ye can bring back. We are going to need all the men that we can get.”

“Ye should speak to Mary, Cora’s friend. Her brother was one of the ones that was forced off the land when he tried to stand up to Seth.”

Alec nodded. “Jamie?”

“I will stay here tonight although I doona expect any more trouble. ’Tis likely that whoever did this will target another village.”

“Just to be safe.” There were fewer than fifty people in this village, and most were too young or too old to fight off an attack. Alec didn’t want to take any chances. “I am posting men at the surrounding villages, so I cannae leave anyone with ye.”

“’Tis alright.”

That was Jamie. Loyal to the very bone. This was not supposed to be a long assignment for them. They missed their families, but they would stay forever if Alec asked it of them.

“I could stay.”

“Nay,” Jamie growled. “Ye need to be seen at the keep, coordinating duties. Besides, Cora is a force to be reckoned with when she is angry.”

Aye. His wife was gaining boldness and power by the day. But Alec didn’t hate it.

After giving orders, he turned and headed back to the keep. Despite everything, he was looking forward to spending a night with his wife.


With little to do to keep her mind off Campbell and Alec and her family in England, Cora threw herself into her work. She knew that Alec didn’t approve of her scrubbing the floors and washing the clothes, but today was not the day for her to be flitting about like a useless chit. Since there were no events to coordinate and the household ran seamlessly, Cora quietly helped the servants out.

Although she returned to her chambers in time to dress before dinner so Alec would be none the wiser, she found him inside and waiting for her.

“Must I find another mistress for the keep?” He sighed as he lounged on the bed.

“Too late. I have already spread word that you are a terrible husband, so no one will have you now.” She went over to him and tugged at his shirt. “Off. Let me see your arm.”

A cheeky grin spread over his face, and he shrugged out of his shirt. “If ye want me naked, all ye have to do is ask.”

“Now is not the time to seduce. You could be bleeding through your bandage. How would that

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