Highlander's Beautiful Liar A Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Historical Novel - Adamina Young Page 0,33

let the King down. If Edward didn’t truly want Sinclair to rule, he would never have told him about Cora.

She was still hiding something. What were the chances that she was in league with Innes Campbell?

It didn’t matter. In a few short hours, he would take care of everything.

Before he’d retired for the evening, he’d sent a message for the nearest priest to be summoned. He and Cora would be married before King Edward even woke up, and he’d secure his place as laird. An heir in Cora’s belly would be even better.

She started to stir, and he began dressing for the day. Without bothering to hide his nakedness, he turned his back to her and smiled when he heard her gasp. “Awake, my sweet bride?” he murmured when he turned around.

Cora immediately averted her eyes. “Must you do that now?”

“Please, look yer fill. I don’t mind. I’d like ye to be familiar with my body before tonight.”

“I hope you don’t mind that you will have to marry me dressed as a servant. I’m afraid that I have nothing suitable to wear.” The tone of her voice told him that she wasn’t afraid at all. Alec had a feeling that if she had her way, she’d marry him in a burlap sack.

“Not to worry, my dear,” he said as he finished dressing. “I’ve already made arrangements. Duncan kept a few of his wife’s dresses which should do.”

When Cora let out a dry laugh, he gave her a sharp look. “That amuses ye?”

“I am the daughter of my father’s mistress. I don’t think anyone will find it amusing that I’m getting married in his wife’s dress.”

“I see yer point. Well, if this was a true love match, I’d worry about the bad luck it might bring. But since ’tis not, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

The pain that crossed her face struck a nerve with him, but he refused to acknowledge it. The lass had all but confessed that no one would have her in England. Now she was to wed a laird. It should please her. “Ye can make things easier on ye if ye just tell me what I want to know.”

“I’ve told you everything,” she whispered.

“No. Ye haven’t. Not that it matters. Soon it won’t matter anymore. Do ye want to write to yer family and let them know that yer alive?”

“No,” she said quickly. Too quickly. “It’s best if they don’t know what I’ve been through. I fear Lord Thistle would not endure the news well.”

“They really care for ye?”

“Does it really surprise you that someone might love me?” she said bitterly as she slid off the bed. “May I be excused so that I may get ready for my wedding day?”

“Get Mary to help ye,” he said gruffly. “I’ll have the dress sent to ye room. I want to get this done by breakfast.”

“Your impatience to marry me warms my heart.”

Before he could reply, she’d slipped out the door. Running his hands over his face, he went to wake up his friends and Kane MacKay so that they might serve as witnesses.

Half an hour later, they were all gathered in the great hall with annoyed looks on their sleep-deprived faces. He had no doubt that they were still suffering from hangovers. From what he could tell, the celebration went well into the night.

Father Kevin Donnelly looked entirely too nervous to suit his needs. From what he knew, the Englishman was hoping to convert the Scottish heathens although he always looked terrified when he traveled from clan to clan. “Laird Sinclair, this is most unusual,” he said after he cleared his throat.

“But Father Donnelly, I am in love,” Alec drawled. “What could be more unusual about that?”

“Ye do realize that I must hear the bride’s consent before the ceremony can begin, yes?”

“Father, ye wound me,” Alec said with a grin. “Do ye really think a woman would turn all of this down?”

His friends, and even Kane, chuckled. Jamie stepped forward and leaned in close. “Alec, when I told ye to find a way to dispense of yer obsession with the lady, I did not mean for ye to marry the wench. Are ye truly in love?”

“In the audience of the King, I am. Doonae worry, Jamie. I have not lost all my senses. My motivation will be revealed in the King’s presence.”

“Did ye get her pregnant?” Stephen asked as he sauntered closer. “The whole hall saw ye run after her like a madman last

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