Highlander's Beautiful Liar A Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Historical Novel - Adamina Young Page 0,3

on his brother’s shoulders.

Or maybe rearing their little sister, Grace, was taking its toll on them. The girl had been a hellion all her eighteen years, and the loss of their father hadn’t slowed her down in the least.

“Aye, Ginny was the first girl to warm my bed, and Bonnie was the last. I assure you, they both had quite a good time,” Shane retorted with a wink.

Alec was about to join in on the banter when his horse pricked his ears. Straightening in his saddle, he raised his hands to silence the men as Jamie and Stephen returned.

“No sign of any activity,” Jamie said with a frown. “We could see the crops. They’re in poor shape. I shudder to think of what we will find when we breach the keep.”

Alec nodded. “Verra well. We give Seth MacKay a choice.”

All traces of amusement fled the men as they straightened. They knew things could go one of two ways. The MacKays could surrender and there would be no bloodshed. Or they’d be forced to fight.

Spurning his horse forward, he clenched his jaw as he led the men over the ridge. Every man was different when they faced battle. Shane relieved his tensions with women the night before and held their pleasure in his mind as a reason to fight. Stephen was always spoiling for a battle, and Jamie was loyal until his last breath. He’d ride into the mouth of hell itself for Connor and Alec.

His older brother did everything for duty, but Alec felt almost nothing before battle. A strange sense of peace and calm settled over him. Gone was his pride that his King had chosen him. Gone was the fear that he wouldn’t be good enough. All that was left was the goal.

Take down Seth MacKay.

By the time they made it to the crumbling keep, Seth had been alerted. They were greeted by a sad looking group of men.

Alec swept his eyes over them dispassionately. It was clear that they were loyal to their land, but most were on foot rather than horses, and it was obvious that most of his army were still young and untrained.

“What is the meaning of this, Sinclair?” Seth snarled as he weaved on his horse. It was obvious that the man was drunk but then, from what Alec heard, he stayed in that condition.

“I’m not here of my own volition, MacKay,” Connor said quietly. “Yer poor treatment of yer clan has reached the highest level.”

Connor nodded at Alec, and he stepped forward with the letter. “Seth, I have here a missive from King Edward. Step down as laird, and face the consequences of yer actions in court. The Sinclair warriors are here to see that you comply.”

“Poor treatment?” Seth spat. “Lies! I have done nothing but treat my people fairly. I’ll not be going anywhere with you.”

“Verra well,” Alec said softly as he slid his sword from his sheath. “We have no choice. Let it be known that whoever fights with this man today will do so against the orders of the King.”

He didn’t expect it to make the men back down. They had been taught since birth to be loyal to their laird no matter what the situation, and it was clear that today they would do just that. Alec knew his men well, and he knew they would be as compassionate as possible. Only those that could not be subdued would die today.

“Kill them!” Seth screamed, and his men flew into action. Alec tensed, but he ignored everything around him. He only had eyes for Seth.

By the time Alec got within striking distance, the man fled. Gritting his teeth, Alec raced after him. If there was one thing he hated, it was a coward.

Pulling his horse up short, he slid off the beast and ran up the steps after Seth as the man tried desperately to make it to the tower. Unfortunately for him, he was too drunk to move quickly; Alec grabbed him by the shoulders, turned him around, and slammed him into the stone wall.

“Don’t think I haven’t seen what ye’ve done to these people. Some of the structures are burnt to the ground, the crops are withered, and while they starve, ye are getting rather fat around the middle. Ye deserve the hanging that awaits ye,” Alec snarled. “These people looked to ye, and ye have betrayed them.”

“Ye cannae have my clan!” Seth bellowed. He pulled a dirk from behind him and thrust it forward. Alec moved

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