Highlander's Beautiful Liar A Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Historical Novel - Adamina Young Page 0,24

King here, especially if she really was a problem.

She seemed to sense his hesitation. “I'll stay out of the way,” she said faintly. “You don't have to worry about me.”

“Aye. And if ye so much as look at the King, I'll have ye thrown back in the dungeons,” he threatened. Fear flashed in her eyes, and he felt the sting of guilt, but there was too much riding on this visit for him to risk letting her roam free.

It was for the best. He couldn't let his desire for her get in the way of what he knew. She was hiding something.

Annoyed, he left the room and slammed the door shut behind him. He didn't have time to think of her. So long as she stayed out of the way, he would deal with her later. Barking orders at the MacKay clan, he had them all scurrying to prep for the King's arrival. Most of them were getting ready to go to bed and weren't happy to have to work, but when news of the King's imminent arrival spread, they quickly got to work.

Within the hour, the gates opened and King Edward rode through with a small group. Alec was relieved to see that he didn't have his normal army with him. Edward dismounted easily, no small feat for a man his age, and walked forward to grasp Alec's hand. “Sinclair,” he said with a tight smile. “I see that ye've settled in.”

“Yer Majesty,” Alec said as he bowed in respect. “'Tis an honor to see ye.”

“Don't lie, boy,” Edward growled. “Yer panicked that I'm here, but I'm not here to cause ye any alarm. I know how stubborn the MacKays can be, and I'm here to endorse yer reign. Has that Campbell boy been by?”

“Innes Campbell? Several times,” Alec said with a frown.

“And ye've welcomed him, no doubt, because that's the kind of man that ye are.” Edward grunted and shook his head. “Well, we doona require any dinner. Just a bed to spend the night. 'Tis been a long trip for a man my age.”

“Aye, Sire. I've got old Laird MacKay's chambers ready for ye.”

Edward raised an eyebrow. “Am I displacing ye?”

“No, Yer Majesty,” Alec said with a shake of his head. “His tastes don't match mine, and I haven't had a chance to change things. But 'tis the nicest chamber in the keep, so 'tis only right that ye have it.”

“Verra well. How is yer brother? Please tell me that he has his sights on a bonnie lass by now.”

Alec laughed. “I'm afraid not. Connor has his hands full with Grace.”

"Well, he needs to marry her off and then he needs to find himself a bride. If this works out, he won't be relying on ye to take over the clan if something happens to him. I want him to produce an heir and soon. Ye can tell him I said that.”

“He'll be verra happy to hear that,” Alec said with a laugh. Connor would cringe at the thought of the King ordering him to marry, and they both knew it. “We'll get ye and yer men settled. Care to train with us tomorrow?”

“I'm too old for that, but I'm sure my men would enjoy that. I'd like to see the progress that ye've made.”

The warning was clear, and Alec nodded curtly. Edward wasn't just here to visit and provide his assistance. He was here to make sure that Alec had things well in hand.

Although Cora had promised to stay out of the way, she was fascinated by the Scottish King. When she’d turned sixteen, the Thistles enthusiastically prepared her for her first season even though they knew that she was no Lady. Cora had wanted nothing more than to hide from society and lock herself away in her quiet home, but Lana, who would one day be acknowledged as an eligible Lady, had encouraged her with such love and stars in her eyes that Cora couldn’t deny her.

It was made clear at that very first ball that no one in the aristocracy would accept her. She’d tried desperately to make the Thistles see the torment that she endured with every outing, but they waved her away and told her that she was letting her fears get the best of her. So, year after year, they presented her to society, and year after year, she was cast out by their poisoned-dripped taunts and scathing glares.

Would the head of the Scottish court be the very same? Rumors were

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