Highlander's Beautiful Liar A Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Historical Novel - Adamina Young Page 0,18

of men and a hush fell over the room.

“I’m so sorry,” she stammered. She knew they recognized her from last night. Raising her chin, she waited for the violent reaction. A large man stood and narrowed his eyes as he studied her.

“’No worries, lass. ’Twas an accident. Just fetch us some more,” he growled. A few other men stood, and he turned and glared at them. “There won’t be a problem here, right?”

Surprised, Cora nodded her head. “I’ll get new drinks right away.” With wide eyes, she scampered from the room. Mary grabbed her arm.

“Ye have no idea how lucky ye just got. That’s Cormac. His sister works here in the castle.”

“He’s protecting me,” Cora said softly.

“Because by protecting me, ye protected all the women that work here,” Mary said with a smile. “Why are ye scared of Campbell?”

The change in subject threw Cora off balance, and she nearly spilled the new tray of drinks. “I’m not scared. I just don’t like the man. That’s not a crime, is it?” she asked hotly before heading back to the dining hall. She felt bad for speaking like that to Mary, but she couldn’t afford for anyone to guess her secret.

Reaching Cormac’s table, she served the men with a small smile. “Thank you for understanding,” she said softly.

Cormac barely acknowledged the statement, but Cora didn’t mind. The man had already protected her.

That made two Scottish men who had protected her in the past week. Maybe she’d need to rethink her position on them.

Smiling to herself, she went to duck back into the kitchen, but before she could get there, someone reached out and grabbed her arm. They dragged her down the poorly lit hallway and around the corner.

“Let go of me!” Cora demanded. She whirled around to face the man and gasped when Innes grinned at her. “Get your hands off me. I am no longer your prisoner.”

“Aye, but yer still my betrothed. I have the King’s seal to prove it, or did ye forget about that?”

“The King approved a marriage between you and Cora Isles. She’s dead, or have you forgotten that?” she hissed.

Innes didn’t look at all stressed. Lazily grinning at her, he reached up to touch her hair. She jerked her head back and struck it against the stone wall. The pain nearly brought tears to her eyes, but she struggled to control herself. “Maybe Cora survived,” he said softly. “Maybe Seth imprisoned her to keep her from taking over, and maybe I’m just the man to save her.”

“Or maybe you and Seth killed my father and then beat me for six months,” she snapped. “You touch me, and I’ll tell everyone the truth. Alec Sinclair is laird now.”

“Aye, but this clan belongs to me. I helped Seth with his plan because he was going to help me kill my brother, but he’s dead now, so I want this clan. And the MacKays want me. Even they’ll forgive me for marrying an Englishwoman if she’s the daughter of Duncan MacKay. This clan worshipped the man, and there is nothing you can do to stop me because ye know that I’ll kill that lovely sister of yours. She’s set to enter her first season next year, right?”

Cora swallowed hard and closed her eyes. “Just leave me alone. Please.”

Innes gripped her arm and leaned forward. For a hellish moment, she thought he might kiss her. “I can’t, Miss Cora. You belong to me. Just because yer walking around freely does not change that.”

“Well, doesn’t this look cozy,” Alec said coldly.

Innes stepped back and turned his head. “I’ve heard yer decree. Trust me, this one is more than willing, laird.”

“Claire?” Alec asked softly. “I think it would be best if ye served our meals now.”

“Of course. My apologies.” Pulling away from Innes, she hurried past Alec and tried to keep the fear from showing on her face.

She would never be free from her nightmares. Once Innes left, she’d have to make her escape and reach London before he knew she was gone.

It meant more lying to Alec, and for some reason, she hated the very thought of it.


Alec paced in his chambers and tried not to revisit the evening in his mind yet again. Watching Innes touch Cora awoke something primal in him, but it was even worse that she hadn’t pushed him away. He’d spent this whole time thinking that she’d been his victim, but what if he was wrong? What if Claire and Innes are working together?

It made sense. If

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