Highlander's Beautiful Liar A Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Historical Novel - Adamina Young Page 0,14

annoyed. Narrowing her eyes, she glared at him, and he chuckled.

“I’ve been waiting to see fire in yer eyes. I want to talk with ye while ye eat.”

“Do I have a choice?” she asked, but she stepped back and let him in. With his large frame, he took up much of the space in her small room, and he looked around awkwardly. She was suddenly struck with the memory of her father looking uncomfortable in the carriage.

Before Seth murdered him.

“I realize that I may have scared ye last night when we spoke. ’Twas not my intention. I am feeling verra protective of this clan, but I doonae think ye pose a threat. If ye’d just tell me the truth, ye would be able to go free.”

Cora picked at the biscuit and avoided his gaze. “I already told you the truth. I am not a criminal.”

“Yes, and I believe that’s the only honest thing ye’ve told me. What is yer name?”


“How did ye come to be in Scotland?”

“I got lost.” She looked up to meet his gaze. “Any other questions?”

Alec smirked and sat on the bed next to her. She immediately stiffened, but it had nothing to do with fear. His sudden close presence did something to her body that she’d never experienced before. Cora suddenly found it hard to breathe, and her fingers trembled with desire.

Desire. Who would have thought it was possible?

He reached out and brushed his fingers along her cheek. “I hate that ye lie to me, but there is something about ye. I have half a mind to kiss ye until ye tell me the truth.”

God, yes. She wanted him to kiss her. She wanted to feel his arms around her. “What about your rule that your men cannot kiss a woman without her consent? Does that not extend to you?”

“Would ye deny me?” His voice had dropped to a whisper and wrapped around her seductively. She shivered it, and he knew it. A slow smile spread across his face, and he leaned in closer.

“I think that if you want someone to warm your bed tonight, Sinclair, you’d best look to Mary. She’s quite charmed by you. I find that I am not.”

Alec shook his head. “Another lie. How many will ye tell me, Claire? How will ye keep them straight?”

She held her breath, partly hoping that he’d steal the kiss anyway. Instead, he stood and shook his head. “I cannae imagine that punch felt good. Feel free to take tomorrow off.”

“I’ve had worse,” she said without thinking. Realizing her error, she waited for Alec to ask. He froze, his back to her, but he didn’t turn around. “I’ll be at work tomorrow.”

“Verra well. Sweet dreams, Claire.”

As he left her chambers, she exhaled loudly. Maybe, for tonight, she really would have sweet dreams.

It would be a nice holiday from her normal nightmares.

The woman vexed him. He’d done nothing to hurt her, and yet she still would not tell him the truth. The more she lied to him, the more he feared that she could prove dangerous.

That didn’t stop him from wanting her. His erection was painful as he made his way back to his chambers. If he knew what was good for him, he’d take advantage of Claire’s advice and seek out Mary. The girl was a beauty, but he knew that even if a night with her satisfied him physically, it would do nothing to assuage his desire for Claire.

Or whatever her name was.

Alec was still staying in one of the guest chambers. Until everything was removed and either torched or given away, he didn’t even want to touch the previous laird’s chamber. He shuddered to think of what Seth had done there.

When he reached his room, he had a guest waiting for him. “Kane,” he grunted. “I’m tired. What do ye want?”

“How dare you take that chit’s side tonight? She harmed a warrior. She should be punished,” he declared with anger raging in his eyes.

Alec stopped and stared at him coldly. “She protected a woman against two assailants and was punched in the stomach for her efforts.”

“They were just having some fun. ’Tis how we unwind!”

“Not under my watch.” Alec’s voice was low and even. “Find another way to unwind. Yer warriors should be better than a bunch of lowlifes who have to harass a servant for a good time.”

“How can ye expect to gain their respect if ye treat them to public humiliation?” Kane hissed.

“I doonae care if I have their respect. They should

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