Highlander Most Wanted Page 0,92

married to another.

But it burned in the back of her mind that were she married to another, she would never have met Bowen and she would never have spent a precious night in his arms.

’Twas hard to say if she’d accept all that she’d endured in the past year for that one night, but the time spent loving him had gone a long way toward easing the pain and humiliation of Ian’s abuse.

Her door opened and she turned to see Bowen burst in and stride across the room toward her. She was in his arms in but a moment, and he squeezed her so tightly she could barely breathe.

His hand went to her temple, grazing over the small cut, and then both hands swept over her hair, stroking, as if looking for any sign of injury. ’Twas obvious his brother had told him all.

“Are you all right?” he demanded anxiously. “Teague told me what happened. Are you badly hurt?”

She shook her head. “Nay. A slight ache to my head, but ’tis all. I was frightened, but Teague set the matter to rights.”

He crushed her to his chest again and kissed the top of her head. “I’m taking you away from here.”

She went completely still. She was sure she could not have heard him correctly. Was he finally placing her in an abbey as she’d requested?


He carefully pulled her from his chest and stared intently at her, his gaze questioning.

“Do you not want to go?”

Her breath stuttered over clumsy lips and she tried to smile, knowing she failed miserably.

“Of course I do. ’Tis what I’ve said I wanted from the start. That you’ll see me well placed in an abbey is more than I could have dreamed.”

He frowned, his expression turning fierce. “ ’Tis not an abbey I intend to see you to. You will ride with me to Montgomery Keep and we leave on the morrow.”

Relief made her shaky. She was so overcome that for a moment she simply could not speak. Her hands flew to cover her face as she tried valiantly not to lose her composure.

Bowen grasped her shoulders, his fingers tight. “I am sorry, Genevieve. ’Tis something I should have done long before now. Selfishly, I wanted you here with me and I allowed you to suffer as a result. Teague and Brodie will remain here to see to the mess that is the McHugh clan. I’m taking you from this place, and you’ll not be treated in this fashion again.”

She threw her arms around his waist and hugged him. Her cheeks were wet, but she kept her face buried in his tunic so that he would not see the intensity of her reaction.

But he knew.

He hugged her just as fiercely, and then finally he pried her away and cupped her chin, his eyes sorrowful and full of regret.

“The joy in which you embrace this news shames me. I should have sent you from this place the moment I knew of your plight. I’m sorry, Genevieve. I’m sorry that I caused you more pain.”

She leaned to kiss him and placed both hands on his face. “ ’Tis glad I am you didn’t send me away from you. The night spent in your arms is one I’ll treasure forever.”

“I would spend this one with you as well,” he said gruffly, his eyes ablaze with desire.

A flutter worked deep in her chest. Her mouth went dry as he bristled, all delicious warrior male. And he wanted her.

It made no sense for a man such as he to want a woman scarred when he could have any woman he wanted at the crook of his finger.

She’d seen the looks the McHugh lasses had thrown his way. She’d heard the blatant invitations, the coy smiles, the boldness with which they made their desires known. And yet not once had he looked their way.

“I’d like that,” she said softly as she rubbed her cheek along his chest.

He grasped her shoulders and lowered his head to capture her mouth in a breathtaking, smoldering kiss. There was more demand in his movements tonight. He wasn’t as patient or tender as he’d been the previous night. It was as if he’d lost all ability to hold back and he wanted her with a desperation that overtook him.

Excitement coursed through her veins. Heat flushed her skin as her body responded to his demands.

“I want you,” he rasped. “God, Genevieve, I want you so. You’re like a drug in my blood. An addiction I have no desire

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