Highlander Most Wanted Page 0,78

the king. The laird’s daughter was killed in an ambush on her way to wed her betrothed.”

Bowen shook his head. “Nay. Genevieve lives still.”

“Wait a moment. Are you saying Genevieve is the laird’s daughter? And that she’s not dead? And she is the one who directed us to Eveline?”

“Aye, but that is only part of the tale. I have much to say, so eat and listen.”

Graeme fell silent and then motioned for Bowen to continue.

“Ian met Genevieve at court and became infatuated with her. He set upon her and her escort when she was traveling to meet her betrothed and killed every member of her party. ’Twas believed she too was killed.”

Graeme started to say something, but Bowen held up his hand.

“Ian took her back to his keep, and when she refused his advances he cut her face so that no man would ever look upon her again with favor.”

Graeme let out a curse. “The poor lass. And she is still here?”

“There is more,” Bowen said quietly. “He raped her repeatedly, forcing her to become his unwilling leman. She has been prisoner here for a year.”

“Have you sent word to her family? Are they coming to fetch her?”

Bowen blew out his breath. “Nay. She would not allow it.”

“Why not?” Graeme demanded. He looked stunned.

“ ’Tis better if I tell you the whole of it. ’Tis a complicated matter, and it only becomes more complicated.”

Graeme’s brows drew together, but he nodded. “Carry on, then.”

“Genevieve is deeply shamed by all that has been done to her. She’s permanently scarred. She bears the shame of what Ian forced upon her. She’s determined not to bring dishonor to her family, and she doesn’t want them to know what was done to her.”

Bowen could see that Graeme itched to argue, so he continued on before Graeme could interrupt again.

“As I said, she is the one who directed us to Eveline.”

He drifted off, reluctant to say the next. He knew it would condemn Genevieve in Graeme’s eyes, and he’d do anything to spare the lass that censure. But he wouldn’t lie to his brother. Graeme needed to know all so the slate was cleaned from the beginning.

“What you don’t know is that Genevieve was responsible, indirectly, for Eveline’s abduction.”


Graeme exploded, sitting forward, some of the food knocked from the plate. His jaw was clenched, then he wiped at his mouth and stared at Bowen in confusion.

“The lass was responsible for Eveline’s abduction? I don’t understand.”

“ ’Tis not necessary to go over every aspect,” Bowen said in a low voice.

“Oh, aye, it is,” Graeme said, cutting Bowen off before he could proceed. “It’s very necessary. If this Genevieve had anything to do with Eveline’s abduction, I want to know about it.”

Bowen sighed. “She encouraged Ian to seek revenge. Word had drifted to Ian and Patrick of the deceit Eveline had perpetuated in order to escape her betrothal to Ian. Ian felt a fool and Genevieve took advantage of his anger and his fixation with the lass. She helped plot Eveline’s abduction and goaded Ian to act.”

“For God’s sake why?” Graeme roared.

“Because we were her only hope of salvation,” Bowen gritted out.

Graeme blinked and then shook his head. “You aren’t making sense.”

“I’m making perfect sense. The lass is smart. She knew that the Montgomerys and the Armstrongs would not tolerate the taking of Eveline. One or both of the clans would be forced into action. Genevieve knew that we would come and we would seek revenge on Ian—and Patrick. It was her only hope of escaping the life that Ian had forced upon her.”

Graeme’s jaw bulged and he flexed it as he clamped his teeth together. ’Twas obvious he was battling his anger, and Bowen didn’t want that anger to go unchecked.

“There’s something else you should know, Graeme.”

Graeme glanced up, meeting Bowen’s determined gaze.

“I’m in love with her.”


Graeme’s face grew stormy. His mouth worked up and down, but no words would come out. Then he shook his head. “She betrayed our clan—she betrayed Eveline—and you love her? Have you taken leave of your senses?”

Bowen’s lips tightened. “She had good reason for what she did. I’m torn on my feelings over it, but she was in a desperate position and she did what she had to in order to survive. I cannot fault the lass for that. If Eveline was not your beloved wife, you would not see fault, either.”

“Do not tell me what I would find fault in,” Graeme said fiercely. “She purposely put another woman in

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