Highlander Most Wanted Page 0,7

Taliesan’s way. Lips curled. Nostrils flared. Hostile glares were directed at Genevieve.

Bowen wasn’t even sure how to respond to such a slight, though he was sure that Taliesan had intended no offense. Not only had his honor been called into question, but he was extremely curious as to what Taliesan had meant by her cryptic statement. Genevieve looked so mortified, however, that he couldn’t bring himself to demand an explanation, even if it was what he felt compelled to do. There would be plenty of time to sort out this mystery later. First, he had to make it clear that he wasn’t some monster lusting after the blood of the innocent.

“I assure you, I have no intention of mistreating Genevieve or anyone else under my care,” Bowen said, the reprimand clear in his voice.

Taliesan flushed and dropped her gaze, but she offered no apology, and, oddly, Bowen respected her all the more for it.

“Then what do you mean to do with us?”

Bowen’s eyebrow arched in surprise, as, finally, one of the McHugh men found his cods and spoke up.

“And here I thought the McHugh clan depended on their women and children to go to battle for them,” Bowen said, disgust evident in his words.

The men in the room bristled and stiffened. Some of their faces went red with anger, but others darkened with shame, and they averted their eyes. They well knew what Bowen meant.

“ ’Tis a disgrace to send a lad waving a flag of surrender,” Teague growled, speaking up for the first time. He was positively seething with anger and disgust, and now that Bowen had addressed the issue, Teague was only too eager to voice his dissatisfaction as well.

Aiden and Brodie both nodded, their arms crossed menacingly over their chests. Brodie, especially, looked furious. For a moment, Bowen truly worried that he and Teague would have to intervene, because Brodie looked as though he wanted to take on every McHugh man gathered in the hall and bathe in their blood.

“And your women do all the talking on your behalf,” Brodie added. “Why are they not better protected? Why are they left to confront your enemy? ’Tis disgraceful. What measure of man not only allows such a thing but encourages it?”

The man who’d posed the question as to their fate took a step forward, his expression grim and ashamed. But he met the gazes of Bowen, Teague, Aiden, and Brodie unflinchingly, his chin lifted as if to convey that he’d take their censure and whatever retaliation they wished to mete out.

“We worried that if a warrior met you at the gates it would be seen as a challenge, and we had no wish to wage war against you. We know we’re outnumbered and outmanned. Patrick McHugh was not a man well versed in training. And Ian—”

He broke off, clearing his throat in obvious discomfort.

“I would speak freely if I may, good sir. ’Tis not respectful, what I have to say, but ’tis the truth all the same.”

Bowen nodded. “By all means. I would have your honesty. By what name are you called?”

“Tearlach McHugh.”

“Carry on, then, Tearlach.”

“Ian was a dishonorable man. Not only for his treatment of those weaker than himself, but for his tactics in warfare. He’d stab a man in his back rather than ever face him in a fair fight. We aren’t trained, Montgomery. ’Tis readily apparent enough. We wouldn’t have stood a chance against you, and so those of us who remained behind decided to place our fate in your hands and that of your laird’s. ’Twas our only choice. We have wives and children, and we have no wish to die and leave them uncared for and unprotected, even though you think we do neither.”

It was a sincere speech, one that impressed Bowen for its honesty. It was apparent that he had no liking for speaking ill of his laird’s dead son, but he stated the truth matter-of-factly.

“I appreciate your candor, and I’ll return the favor by being just as straightforward,” Bowen said, sweeping over the assembled crowd with his gaze.

Genevieve hadn’t moved. She stood stock-still, her hands folded rigidly in front of her. And her eyes looked so far away that Bowen doubted she had any idea of what went on around her. It was as if, just for a time, she’d taken herself to another place.

Her scarred cheek was turned away from him, and he marveled at how beautiful she was with her profile presented. Never had he seen a woman to

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