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that she remain.

And so here she was, treated as an honored guest in the very keep that had been her hell.

Taliesan tentatively touched Genevieve’s arm, and it was then that Genevieve realized that Taliesan had been speaking to her while she’d been lost in her thoughts. She blinked rapidly and turned her attention to the other woman.

“What will you do now, Genevieve?” Taliesan asked softly. “I’m sorry for sending Bowen after you.”

She shook her head and withdrew her hand from Genevieve’s arm to twine it with her other hand in her lap. Her voice was so low that Genevieve nearly couldn’t hear her.

“Nay, that’s not truthful. I’m not sorry, because I worried greatly for you when you left alone and on foot. I know it was not my place to intervene, but I couldn’t let something happen to you like what happened a year ago.”

Taliesan glanced up, her eyes awash in earnestness.

“Pray forgive me, Genevieve, for truly, I had only your best interests at heart.”

Genevieve sighed. “ ’Twas a foolish thing for me to attempt. I wasn’t thinking clearly and had no plan or means to travel to my destination. I only wanted away.”

“I know it’s been horrible for you here,” Taliesan said in a low voice. “But no longer do you have to suffer. Bowen has championed you. He and his kin seem like good men. Nothing like Ian.”

Genevieve shuddered in revulsion. “Nay, not like Ian. At least, not yet.”

Taliesan’s gaze was sharp, her eyes narrowing as she stared hard at Genevieve. “Think you ’tis a trick?”

“I know not what to think,” Genevieve said truthfully. “But ’twould be foolhardy of me to blindly put my faith in Bowen Montgomery—or any other man. He seems to be genuine and fair, but then Ian could be charming and convincing when he wanted.”

The pain in her voice couldn’t be disguised and she looked away, afraid that her composure would break and humiliate her in front of the other woman.

Unexpectedly, she found herself pulled into Taliesan’s arms and hugged tightly. It was a surprising sensation. For so long she’d been bereft of touch, affection … comfort. How long had she gone without the basest of emotional needs?

She went stiff at first, unsure of what she should do. But Taliesan held on, her arms wrapped tightly around Genevieve. Gradually, Genevieve’s own arms circled Taliesan’s slender waist and the two women hugged fiercely as they sat on Genevieve’s bed.

“I vow to be a good and loyal friend to you, Genevieve,” Taliesan whispered.

The words settled into Genevieve’s heart like a soothing spring rain. She was warmed through by the kindness Taliesan extended, and by the genuine offer of friendship.

“I will be a good friend to you as well,” Genevieve promised.

Taliesan pulled away and smiled broadly. “Good. ’Tis settled then.”

With her future so uncertain, Genevieve wasn’t sure anything was settled at all, but she wasn’t going to borrow trouble by dwelling on what tomorrow might bring. For now, she was content to have a friendly face amid a sea of animosity, and a warrior as her champion and protector.

With Bowen and Taliesan both at her side, the coming days might not be so difficult after all.


Bowen answered the knock at his chamber door and admitted his brother, closing the door behind them.

“You’re settling in well,” Teague observed.

Bowen surveyed the sparsely furnished chamber and shrugged. He’d refused to take over the chamber of either Patrick or Ian, instead relegating those chambers to his brother, Brodie, and Aiden.

“You have need to speak with me?” Bowen asked, pushing matters to the point.

Teague nodded grimly before settling into one of the chairs by the open window. “ ’Tis not an easy matter I bring before you. It could be nothing, but I would be remiss if I didn’t bring it to your attention.”

Bowen frowned and took a seat across from his brother. “Say what is on your mind.”

Teague took in a deep breath. “The story, as I’ve heard it, is that Genevieve convinced Ian to abduct Eveline.”

Bowen’s brows drew together and he reared his head back in surprise. “That doesn’t even make sense. What on earth would she have to gain, and, furthermore, Ian doesn’t strike me as the kind to take direction from a woman.”

Teague held up his hand. “There’s more. Let me explain all I’ve heard.”

Bowen’s lips curled in distaste. “Gossip. ’Tis obvious none here have any love for Genevieve. They’re hardly objective when it comes to the lass.”

“That may well be the case,” Teague said calmly. “But

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