Highlander Most Wanted Page 0,117

ever not? Do you even know the hell we’ve endured thinking you dead all this time?”

“ ’Twas selfish of me,” Genevieve said quietly. “I was so focused on my shame, and I feared the disgrace I would bring to our name. I never wanted you to know what all I endured. I would have spared you that if at all possible.”

“Oh, dearling,” her mother said, her voice choked with tears. “Don’t you know that nothing you could ever do would make us ashamed of you? We love you. You are the light of our lives—especially your father’s. The sun rises and sets at your feet. When you were born, I feared he would be angry because I hadn’t given him a son. But he was so taken with you ’twas obvious to anyone with eyes that he cared not if you were a lass. And then, when it became evident that I could bear no more children, I worried that he would be angry. And do you know what he said to me?”

Genevieve slowly shook her head.

Her mother smiled through her tears. “He told me that I’d given him the fiercest, smartest, most beautiful lass in all of Scotland, and what could he possibly want with a son when he had a lass as clever as you?”

Genevieve burst into tears and clung to her mother.

“I’m sorry, Mama. I was so afraid and ashamed. I didn’t even feel like a person while Ian kept me prisoner. It was not until Bowen saved me and showed me how it could be between a man and a woman that I began to live again. He contacted you because he knew I would never be happy or whole without you. And he gave me up because he said he’d rather I be happy and with the people I loved than to remain with him and never truly heal.”

“It would seem I owe this young man a great deal,” her mother said. “I’m just glad one of you has sense!”


“Well, ’tis true. It horrifies me to think that you would have gone on and never come home to us.”

“I would have,” Genevieve cried. “It would have taken me time, but I would have come home, Mama. I missed you and Papa so. I would not have been able to live long without you.”

Her mother hugged her again and stroked her hair. “What is it that you want to do, Genevieve? Bowen deserves to know of his child. We cannot keep it from him.”

Genevieve pulled back, her expression firm. “Nay, I’d never seek to do so. I—I love him, Mama. I love him so much, and I miss him every single day. I had to come home. I had to do this so I could be happy and whole. But I’ll never be completely whole without him. He’ll always hold a piece of my heart.”

Her mother smiled that gentle, motherly smile that never failed to warm Genevieve’s heart and soothe all her hurts.

“It would seem that we have another journey to make. Only this time the whole of our army will accompany you on the way to your betrothed. We’ll not chance your being set upon as you were before.”

“What if he does not want to marry me?” Genevieve asked hesitantly.

Her mother rolled her eyes. “Lass, the way that lad was looking at you when we departed, it was a wonder he didn’t grab you from the cart and haul you into the keep over his shoulder. I’d wager he was sorely tempted! If he loves you as you say, and if he did all this for you even knowing he’d lose you, then he’s a man above many. He’ll likely have you before a priest before you can blink. Now, the hard part is going to be convincing your father to let his baby go after he’s only had her back a month.”

Genevieve’s face fell. “I don’t want to lose either of you.”

Her mother smiled and kissed the top of her head. “We’ll visit often, and I’ll come for the birth of your child. As will your father, I’m certain. He’ll not tolerate being left behind when his grandchild is being born. The Montgomerys will just have to become used to the presence of the McInnis clan.”

Hope surged through Genevieve’s veins and flooded her heart. A way for her to have her heart’s desire and her family. ’Twas a dream come true.

“I’m afraid to hope,” she admitted, her voice laced with fear.

“Don’t you worry, lass,”

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