Highlander Most Wanted Page 0,105

few days rapidly caught up to Genevieve and she slept the sleep of the dead. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was sound asleep, and she didn’t stir when the first strains of dawn began to lighten the room. Nor did she move when Rorie knocked on her door to invite her down to break her fast.

In fact, she was still sound asleep when Rorie and Eveline burst through her door close to the noon hour. Genevieve stirred when her bed bounced and she heard chatter ring in her ears.

She blearily opened her eyes to see Rorie and Eveline Montgomery in her chamber. She shook the veil of sleep from her head and attempted to push herself up.

“What’s wrong?” Genevieve croaked.

The fact that Eveline was here in her chamber was cause for alarm for Genevieve. Had she been so angered by Genevieve’s presence that she’d come straightaway to order her out? Or perhaps she wanted to voice her displeasure in person.

But nay, Eveline was smiling sweetly, her eyes sparkling with welcome. And Rorie was grinning like a fool, fairly dancing with excitement.

“That’s what we came to find out from you. If something was amiss. ’Tis nearly noon and we saw no sign of you. I knocked at your door when it was time to break our fast but you never stirred,” Rorie said patiently.

Genevieve sat straight up in bed. “Noon?” she squeaked. “I’ve slept until noon?”

“You were tired,” Eveline said in a soft, sweet voice.

Her speech patterns were different. The sounds of the words were different, but Genevieve had no issue understanding her at all.

Genevieve glanced cautiously up at Eveline, gauging the other woman’s reaction to her.

“I’m Genevieve,” she said. “And you are Eveline. I saw you …” She winced at having to bring up the fact that Eveline had been imprisoned—as had she—by Ian McHugh. “I saw you at McHugh Keep when Ian imprisoned you.”

Eveline pushed Rorie to the side and sat on the edge of the bed next to Genevieve.

“I owe you a great debt,” Eveline said solemnly. “You did much to aid me, and for that you have my thanks. Ian is—was—an evil man. I’m not sad that he is dead.”

Genevieve was overcome with guilt. She couldn’t even look the other woman in the eye. But she forced herself to hold her mouth where Eveline could see the words that came forth.

“You owe me nothing,” she said painfully. “ ’Tis my doing that you were captured to begin with. ’Tis not something I can ever forget, and I would understand if you could never forgive me.”

Eveline put her hand on Genevieve’s and squeezed lightly. “I know of your situation, Genevieve. Graeme told me all. My heart aches for you. I can’t imagine what I would have done in your position. I certainly don’t blame you for doing what you had to in an effort to gain your freedom. ’Twas an ingenious plan, and the fact of the matter is you fought for me. You protected me at great risk and shame to yourself. How can I find fault with you when you did so much to spare me? You directed my husband to where I lay imprisoned. ’Tis possible he would never have found me without your aid.”

Tears gathered in Genevieve’s eyes. She couldn’t hold them back. The kindness and understanding in Eveline’s voice were her undoing.

“There now, don’t cry,” Eveline said gently. “ ’Tis glad I am that you’re here. We’ll not allow such to ever happen to you again. Rorie and I are glad to have the companionship of another lass, especially one as brave and determined as you. Just think of all the mischief we’ll get into.”

“And ’tis why we’ve come to your chamber,” Rorie said excitedly.

She all but pounced on Genevieve, plopping down on the bed at Genevieve’s feet.

“We want to learn to use a bow, and we want you to teach us.”

Genevieve looked at the lass in confusion.

“You told me the tale of how you killed four warriors in battle with your bow and arrows, and Graeme repeated it to Eveline just this morn. ’Tis an amazing feat. You are very skilled! Eveline and I would like you to instruct us in the shooting of a bow. It would be great fun! We can start today if you’re willing.”

Genevieve shook the confusion from her mind and focused on the conversation at hand. ’Twas a bizarre happening. Rorie and Eveline were in her chamber. Eveline acted as though Genevieve had

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