Highlander Most Wanted Page 0,102

does a McInnis lass find herself among McHughs, and why does your clan think you dead?”

Genevieve sighed. Apparently Rorie had been told of her circumstances, or at least a cursory telling. It was to be expected. The lass would have been curious.

There was no good reason Genevieve should tell her anything at all. But there was something about Rorie that inspired Genevieve to unburden herself. The lass might be younger, but her mind was sharp and her heart was good. And perhaps it was the promise of having a confidante that enticed Genevieve the most. She wanted to fit in here. Wanted … friendship.

And so she found herself telling Rorie the entire tale, even the part she played in Eveline’s abduction, because she didn’t want Rorie finding out later and feeling betrayed or enraged that Genevieve had been less than honest. And it all would come out eventually. There was no way around it.

Rorie’s mouth gaped open, and her expressions were almost comical as she reacted to Genevieve’s story. By the time Genevieve brought things to the present, Rorie had grasped Genevieve’s hands and held them tightly.

“ ’Tis a terrible, heart-breaking tale,” Rorie burst out. There were tears in her eyes, and Genevieve was shocked at the lass’s reaction.

“I’m glad you killed them,” Rorie said fiercely. “ ’Tis no less than they deserved. They deserved to suffer far more. They should have been gutted and left for the buzzards to feed on their carcasses.”

Genevieve laughed, some of the horrible tension leaving her chest. Her laughter ended in a low sob, and Rorie pulled her into her arms, hugging her until Genevieve thought she might smother.

It felt so good. Both the unburdening and the offer of comfort from the younger lass. Genevieve could feel some of the protective barriers she’d held for so long begin to unravel in the warmth of the Montgomery family.

“I am glad you are here,” Rorie said when she finally pulled away. “You’ll be happy with us, Genevieve.”

Genevieve smiled wanly. “I only hope Eveline can be as understanding as you.”

“Eveline has the biggest heart of any lass I know. You’ll love her, and she’ll love you. I don’t think she has it within her to hate anyone, and if she doesn’t hate my clan after all they put her through, I don’t see her harboring ill will against you either.”

Genevieve let out a sigh of relief. Maybe this would all work out. Maybe she’d finally found a … home. A safe harbor from all the pain of the last year.

“Come, let’s unpack your trunk so that you can settle into your chamber and your new life here,” Rorie said cheerfully. “Then we can go down for the evening meal together.”

Genevieve allowed Rorie to dictate the pace as the two women unpacked the items from her trunk. Rorie kept up a lively chatter that made Genevieve’s head spin.

In all the time Genevieve had spent at McHugh Keep, she’d never once unpacked her trunk, though so few of her belongings had survived Ian’s spite. It would have been too much like admitting defeat. She’d left every item packed, hoping beyond hope that one day she’d leave that place.

Though she would never return home to her father’s lands, already she felt at home here at Montgomery Keep. Hope flowed into her soul, something she’d thought never to feel again.

She was free, and with people who would not harm her. There was nothing sweeter than finally knowing peace.


Genevieve did wear her cloak to the evening meal. She had no wish to be the object of so much scrutiny as soon as she arrived. She knew at some point all would know of her scars and it was something she would have to deal with, but until she became more comfortable in her surroundings she preferred obscurity.

Rorie accompanied her downstairs. The two lasses had remained above stairs, unpacking Genevieve’s meager belongings and moving other objects into Genevieve’s chamber in order to make it more inviting.

The finished product delighted Genevieve. Her chamber rivaled her own chamber at her father’s keep. It was comfortable and lavish, fit for an important guest.

Rorie had changed the bedding and added furs to the flooring and in front of the hearth. Large candles were placed around the room to lend brightness to the interior. Comfortable chairs had been moved within. Not a single detail had been overlooked. Genevieve could hardly believe it. She felt like a pampered princess when she’d spent the last year as the lowliest

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