Highlander Most Wanted Page 0,100

had done plenty to ensure the well-being of their clan. The keep was well fortified. Children played along one side of the keep as mothers kept close watch. Warriors trained within the courtyard walls while others went about their tasks. Women washed clothing in the river while others tended a plot of crops on the front side of the keep stretching as far as the eye could see.

This was a clan of wealth and power. They obviously feared no one, and they protected their own.

She’d been right to set Ian on a path to anger the Montgomerys, no matter how wrong she may have been to involve Eveline. The Montgomerys would suffer no wrong done to one of their own, and they’d done just as she hoped and come with a vengeance.

Thank God she was free. Thank God she was gone from that terrible place. She stared hard at Montgomery Keep, for now it was her future. She would become one of them, because Genevieve McInnis had died one long year ago.


When Bowen and Genevieve rode into the courtyard of Montgomery Keep, Genevieve’s gaze was drawn to a young lass, who looked remarkably like Bowen, standing on the steps of the keep with what appeared to be a young priest.

The lass had long dark hair and vibrant blue eyes. Just like Bowen’s. She was small in stature, her bone structure delicate and feminine. Yet the lass didn’t look as if she’d reached womanhood yet. There were no curves or softer flesh. She was lanky, which only added to the delicacy of her bone structure.

Even her face was constructed on a small scale, her eyes seemingly too large for such ethereal features.

“ ’Tis my sister, Rorie,” Bowen said, following her gaze. “Beside her is Father Drummond, who is tasked with teaching the little hoyden how to read and write. She’s quite determined on that score.”

Genevieve’s eyes widened. “She must be a smart lass.”

Bowen chuckled. “I don’t know if it’s that she’s smart or that she’s just stubborn. ’Tis likely a bit of both.”

As soon as Bowen reined in his horse, Rorie flew across the courtyard, and when he slid from the saddle she launched herself into his arms.

Bowen hugged her tightly and whirled her around in a circle.

“ ’Tis good to see you, lass,” he said, genuine affection brimming in his eyes.

“I’ve missed you, Bowen! You’ve been gone far too long.”

Bowen set Rorie down and then immediately went to help Genevieve dismount from her horse. He kept hold of her hand and pulled her toward Rorie, whose curious stare fixed boldly on Genevieve.

Genevieve cursed the fact that she’d forgotten to pull out her cape and hood. She felt naked and vulnerable, with no way to hide her hideous scarring. Even now she could feel Rorie’s intent gaze sweeping over her face, and she wanted the earth to open and swallow her up.

“Who have you brought with you, Bowen?” Rorie chirped.

The lass seemed unfazed by Genevieve’s scars, but she was still watching Genevieve intently.

Bowen held out his arm to his sister to pull her in close, so that he held both women in his arms.

“Rorie, this is Genevieve McInnis. She will be staying with us. Genevieve, this is my sister, Rorie. She’s the baby, coming far after Graeme, me, and Teague. She’s quite the brat, so forgive any rudeness that comes from her mouth.”

Rorie huffed and rolled her eyes. “ ’Tis a pleasure to meet you, Genevieve. Eveline will be glad of another friendly face around here. She’s still finding her way around our clan, though things are a bit better now that she got herself abducted and rescued. Fear has a way of mending fences within a clan. But then they were all likely afraid Graeme was going to have all their hides.” She shrugged. “At any rate, the matter is done with.”

Genevieve’s eyes widened at Rorie’s blunt, matter-of-fact manner. Bowen chuckled and shook his head.

“I did warn you, Genevieve.”

Rorie reached forward and grabbed Genevieve’s hand. “Come. I’ll show you above stairs. There’s only one spare chamber, so it isn’t a mystery where you’ll be staying. ’Tis the room next to mine, so we’ll be seeing a lot of each other. Bowen can ensure your things are brought up.”

Genevieve glanced quickly at Bowen, but he smiled and waved her on. Hesitantly, she allowed Rorie to pull her toward the keep, where Father Drummond was still standing.

“Father, I have someone I want you to meet,” Rorie called out. “This is Genevieve

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