The Highland Laird (Lords of the Highlands #8) - Amy Jarecki Page 0,61

a moment longer!”

* * *

“Stand in front of the fire whilst I fill the half barrel,” said Ciar, ushering the lass forward by the shoulders.

“I-I’m soooo c-cold.”

Her lips were blue, and her entire body shivered as Albert dashed in circles around the chamber, acting as if he’d never been so happy to be dripping wet.

Ciar tucked his plaid around his hips, fetched the tub from the storeroom, and rolled it into the center of the room. “I’ll just pour in the hot water and temper it with a wee bit of cold.”

Clinging to her blanket, Emma nodded. “W-we have the rose soap that Nettie sent over.”


Archie’s wife had also provided a spare shift for Emma, hazelnuts, and a leg of roast mutton, bless her.

He used a folded cloth to pull the pot off the hob and waddled across the floor so not to burn his thighs. Thank God Emma couldn’t see his duck walk, nor anyone else for that matter. He’d never hear the end of it.

Once he’d readied everything, he stepped back. The soap and sponge were in a bowl beside the tub. Drying cloths were draped across a chair where they wouldn’t be splashed. And Emma’s lips were almost pink again.

He took her hands. “Are you ready?”

“Is it warm?”

“Aye.” The dog dipped his nose into the bath and sputtered while Ciar led her across the floor. “Albert thinks so as well.”

Emma snorted. “You’ll have to wait your turn, ye hairy mop.”

He dropped his plaid with a whoosh. “Will you mind if I step in first?”

“Will we both fit?”

“If I dangle my legs over the edge.”

“Will that be comfortable for you?”

Ciar brushed her cheek with his knuckle. “With you in the bath with me, it will be like floating on a cloud.”

“You say the nicest things.”

“Only because you bring out the cordial ogre in me.”

“Why ogre?”

Ciar submerged himself into the tub backside first. Warm water sloshed up to the center of his chest. “Because I am a beast, agreeable or nay.”

“You’ve never been anything but pleasant toward me—pleasanter than anyone else.”

“That’s because kindness breeds kindness, and you’re the most affable lass I’ve ever met.” He tugged her fingers. “Can you step in and straddle me?”

“Like a horse?”

He liked the image she conjured—Lady Emma on the back of a horse wearing nothing but wild, flowing, auburn tresses. “Aye,” he said throatily, his cock already so hard it tapped his stomach.

Ciar eased back and feasted his eyes on the idyllic pose she made. It made him want to be a painter simply to capture the beauty of a nymph preparing to bathe. Her medal of Saint Lucia swung forward while she braced her hands on the edge of the tub. With her eyes half-cast, she carefully climbed in with one foot and then the other. A bonny grin spread across her lips. “It is delightfully warm.”

“Mm hmm.” As she began to lower herself into the water, Ciar caught her wrists and stopped her. “Allow me a moment to gaze upon perfection.”

Her expression grew uncertain as she tried to cross her arms over her breasts. “But it isn’t natural for me to flaunt myself.”

“When we are alone, there is no reason why you should not. One man, one woman, remember?” He kissed her fingers. “You’re beautiful, Emma. From porcelain skin to hair of burnished fire. And whether you like it or nay, you have the figure of a goddess.”

“Now I know you are telling tall tales.”

Ciar tugged her onto his lap so she faced him. “Oh, no, lassie. You may be as sweet as a sugared date, but your body is made for sin.”

She wriggled, making her mons slide flush against his erection. Within a heartbeat, her expression changed from one of happiness to that of seductress. “Oh, my.”

“Mayhap now you understand exactly what you do to me.”


“Yes, lass, you.”

He clamped his big hands on either side of her face and kissed her, let his tongue lazily sweep into her mouth as he rocked his hips, brushing himself along the intimate channel that would bring her undone.

Her hand searched to the side. “Should we not wash whilst the water is hot?”

Ciar collected the soap and placed it in her fingers. “If we must.”

“Mayhap we can make it fun.” She grinned like a contented cat as she slowly swirled the soap over his chest. He closed his eyes and breathed in the scent as Emma worked the slick bar lower and lower until she lightly brushed his member.

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